Karla News

2012 Popular Toy List

It seems like we were just putting away our decorations and tearing down the tree for Christmas and here it is back around once again. With family and friends to shop for, it can be stressful enough trying to figure out if someone will like something. This can be make it or break it with ...

KitchenAid Santoku Knife Review

My husband and I were involved in preparing a picnic barbecue for 150 people, and I had the dreaded job of cutting up 60 pounds of potatoes. One of my friends who was also helping to prepare food, brought over her KitchenAid Santoku knife, and I was so impressed I am going to buy one ...

Top Ten Thrice Songs

As a preface, allow me to point out the difficulty that this list faced me with. It made me realize just how solid Thrice’s catalogue really is, rarely having a misstep at all, besides in their debut album. There are many tracks that could compete for these spots, just think of this as a list ...

5 Places to Go for Free IRS Tax Advice

Everyone has something to say. It could be recommendations on the maintenance of your car, suggestions on how to cure a cold, or the best way to get from here to there. From gardening tips to herbal remedies, from child-rearing musts to the latest trend in super foods. Advice flows freely, and everyone is ready ...

Karla News

How to Become a Fighter Pilot in the United States Air Force

Every child grows up with dreams and ambitions. Be they attend college, own a home, travel the world, be a CEO of a company or even become President of the . With determination, hard work, and guidance all of these goal and dreams are attainable. Hard work and determination are determined on a personal level, ...

Teenage Life Taken by Rheumatoid Arthritis

I never knew my life would be taken up in the arms of a frail-looking woman with a mass of mousy brown curls and tossed over the edge of a treacherous cliff. As a child, I had not imagined in my many hours of dreaming that I would watch life as I knew it plummet ...

Karla News

Oscar Fish Care: Diet and Feeding Habits

Oscars (also called velvet cichlids) get very large for freshwater pet fish — fourteen inches from nose to tail is not uncommon. Part of the reason for their large size and their incredible strength is because they eat smaller fish. There is no such thing as a vegetarian Oscar. Although I have never seen an ...