A Newbie’s Guide to Neopian Paintbrushes

Everyone on Neopets eventually wants to paint their pet. But, if you don’t know what you’re shopping for, it can be very costly. The following is a list of usable paintbrushes with their descriptions and estimated prices in neopoints values. However, before you go out and buy a paintbrush, go to the Rainbow Pool and ...

Karla News

Feminist Criticism to the The Awakening

According to the class handout, An Informal Literary Theory Checklist, Feminist Criticism concentrates on the following themes: women’s political and literary rights; empowerment; equality; women’s unconscious selves; and finally the throwing off of the patriarchal repression and oppression (3). Kate Chopin wrote “The Awakening,” to show people of the nineteenth century society and the future ...

Product Review: Tide Simple Pleasures Vanilla & Lavender

With such a large selection on the market these days, laundry detergent can be an important decision in many American households. Some people have allergies and need dye-free and scent-free detergents and sometimes you just need to find a detergent that cleans better than the one you used before. For myself, the majority of my ...

Karla News

Why “Bubble Kids” Get the Most Attention

Standardized testing has altered education in a major way. Teachers now find themselves teaching to 10 standards when there are really 35, just because those 10 standards are the ones tested. Administrators push educators to spend as much time as possible drilling these kids on vocabulary, concepts and strategies for taking multiple choice tests. There ...

How to Start Your Own Chicken Farm

The ultimate recession proof food has to be, hands down, the egg. So why do I say that? Well, let’s look into the math. A box of jumbo eggs is around $3 at the supermarket. Out of this box a typical adult will have 2 eggs per meal. That averages out to around .25$ an ...

Karla News

Curry Chicken Slow Cooker Recipe

Curry chicken in a slow cooker or Crockpot may sound like an oxymoron but trust me it is not. Once you cook curry chicken in a slow cooker you may never fix it any other way; the slow cooking causes the meat to be so tender it falls off the bone. The best thing about ...

Karla News

How to Recognize a Manipulative Abuser

What is manipulative behavior? Manipulative behavior is coercive. The manipulator’s goal is the create subtle situations that shame you. We’ve all been manipulative at times. There is a manipulative personality type however. Persons who habitually manipulate others are emotional abusers. Overt abusers are obviously abusive. The manipulative abuser is covert. Her abuse is passive-aggressive behavior. ...

Karla News

Best Small Dehumidifiers for Your Home

Why would you want to use a dehumidifier? Well, if you have excess moisture in certain areas of your home you might want one or if you live in a climate that is very humid you might want one as well. I know that my parents have one in their basement and use it if ...

Karla News

Summer Camp Jobs in California

Whiskeytown National Recreation Area located in Northern California will be accepting applications for summer camp jobs. Currently there are 6 positions open for this eight week program that starts June 9th and ends on August 1. The duties include trail maintenance, building fences, repairing bridges, and lake shore clean-up. Anyone between the ages of 15 ...

Karla News

What is Spokeo?

This morning, in something of the sick fascination way we all have from time to time, I Googled myself just to see what the world writ-large had to say about “Jesse Schmitt.” There were a lot of the usual suspects; Jesse B Schmitt the Florida Gators fullback turned Marine, Jesse Schmitt the MMA fighter; Jesse ...