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10 Acoustic Songs that Will Inspire You

Acoustic Guitars, Youtube.com

As a guitar player of over ten years I am always looking for new songs and often more importantly inspiration to continue to push myself to be a better acoustic guitar player. Sometimes I think that acoustic guitarists get a bad rap for being boring or less technically capable then electric guitarists. I put together this list of ten acoustic guitar videos to inspire and awe you. They aren’t all from one genre and some are more technically challenging than others but one thing is for sure they all rock, and they are an inspiration for acoustic guitarists.

Barenaked Ladies – Wind It Up (The Bathroom Sessions)

Ed Robertson put together a series called “The Bathroom Sessions” the series features mostly just him and an acoustic guitar. It just goes to show that amongst today’s pop bands there are some really talented song writers and guitarists. Even with all the electric stuff pulled away Ed is incredible acoustic, possibly more so than when he is backed by the band. If you don’t want to listen to the entire thing, at least check out the riff shortly after 1:05, it is most impressive.

Andy McKee – Drifting

Just try to keep your jaw from dropping, I dare you. Andy McKee is an incredible guitarist and most of the people who play this style are. Other guitarists who participate in the Fingerstyle Guitar Competition are definitely worth checking out here http://www.canadianguitarfestival.com/ . Another one of my favorites is Antione Dufour. Though they are all awesome and impressive, I chose this song to represent this genre in this list because it is one of the first that I heard and still remains one of my favorites.

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Sharon Wayne – Albeniz

Sharon Wayne exhibits an insane technical prowess. She is defiantly a master of the acoustic guitar. This is a very emotional piece that is just outstanding.

Leo Kottke – Deep River Blues

While listening to Pandora one day I came across a live version of “Sweet Emotion” performed by Leo Kottke which you can listen to here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVFzLgXEctU . It is simply incredible. He is a phenomenal player and his work with acoustic twelve strings and with slides is a heck of a thing to see.

Bayside- Montauk

This is an incredible rock song. After an unfortunate accident that caused the death of their drummer Bayside did a short touring that was entirely acoustic. You can listen to the electric full version of Montauk here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP_KQ_2woIg&feature;=related if you would like, but I find the acoustic guitar version extremely soulful and it also shows an impressive amount of inspiring skill.

John Mayer – Gravity (VHO Sessions)


Despite John Mayer’s popularity on Top 40 radio and the like amongst a barrage of pop stars and one hit wonders, he is truly a phenomenal guitarist with a technical background that is very sound. His music is heavily blues influenced which rings through very clearly in his acoustic performances. There are quite a few that you can check out on Youtube but “Gravity” is one of my favorites.

Radiohead – I Might Be Wrong

Thom Yorke despite often utilizing effects and electronic elements in music, by no means is using them as a crutch. Radiohead sounds great acoustic and “I Might Be Wrong” is one heck of a sassy example of this.

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Dave Matthews Tim Reynolds – Jimi Thing

Even if you aren’t a huge Dave Matthews fan, you can still appreciate the technical ability that he has. When paired beside Tim Reynolds it makes for an explosion of acoustic awesomeness that cannot be denied.

John Butler Trio – Ocean


This is a tremendously beautiful acoustic song. John Butler is from Australia and the rest of his music is soulful and wonderful. If nothing else though this instrumental piece performed on an acoustic twelve string will blow your mind, and fill your heart.

Obadiah Parker – Hey Ya

I added this song on the list because I think it is a great example of a song that was not originally acoustic but sounds incredible as an acoustic song. Since this song there are now many acoustic covers of pop and rap music on the web.

There you have it ten acoustic guitar songs that rock. If you know of some great inspiring acoustic songs feel free to post some links below. Enjoy and keep on strumming!
