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Zoo and Aquarium Summer Camps in Virginia

Summer Zoo and Aquarium Camps in Virginia are found in Roanoke, Norfolk and Virginia Beach and each is gearing up for 2008 campers. Virginians are fortunate to have within their borders not just some excellent traditional zoo locations but also an excellent Aquarium and Marine Science Center as well. This means that regardless of which species of wildlife most stirs your child’s imagination and sensitivity you can supply the kind of summer camp setting that will mean so very much to his or her development. You don’t have to settle for another summer of just sports, you can check out these summer zoo and aquarium camps in Virginia.

Mill Mountain Zoo, Roanoke, VA. It may not be the largest zoo in Virginia, but the Mill Mountain Zoo in Roanoke Virginia is ready and able to offer your kids some wonderful summertime fun. Spending a week at the Mill Mountain summer zoo camp means learning more not just about the individual animals on site, but also taking the time to consider their habitats and how they survive. Mill Mountain also works with children to help them to learn ways in which human beings can be more supportive of the beauty and wonder of nature around us. The camp is designed for children who are 4-11 years of age. Children are divided by age so that age appropriate subjects and activities can be used.

Weekly programs run Mon – Fri, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. except for preschoolers who have half day schedules for a.m. and p.m.campers. Different themes rotate through the summer but kids will enjoy such topics as “Who’s Who at the Zoo” for younger campers and “Up Close and Personal” for older kids. No registrations will be taken over the phone but you can get more information by calling 540-343-3241.

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Virginia Zoo, Norfolk,VA . This year’s Summer Safari Program at the Virginia Zoo in Norfolk, VA, runs from June 16-August 15, 2008 and is filled with fun, animal centered activities for your kids ages 4-14. Half day programs from 9 – noon and full day sessions last from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. You can only begin to imagine the fun your kids will have as they spend a week pursuing topics like “Slithery, Slimy, Squirmy”, “Antelope to Zebra” and “How Would I Build It.

While going to a day camp at a zoo is lots of fun, parents will quickly recognize that while their kids are having a great time they are also learning and developing a whole new vocabulary that includes words like predator, wetlands and extinction start to slip into the daily conversations. The cost for the Summer Safari Program at the Virginia Zoo, Norfolk, VA is $120 for half day programs for those who are members of the Virginia Zoo and $145 for non members. If your child is attending a full week of full days it will cost you $220 if you are members and $270 for non-members.

Whether your kids are at the Virginia Zoo for a half or full day program they will have a wonderful chance to get to know the zoo’s 400 animals better and begin to enjoy a whole new comfort level at the zoo. For more information call 757-441-2374.

Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center, Virginia Beach, VA Of course not all the wild life worthy of exploration is found on dry land. Some of it definitely survives in a water habitat. You may have kids that like wildlife that live in Aquarium tanks instead of zoo. For those between the ages of 5-15 the answer to their questions and the fulfillment of their summer camp dreams might be found at the Virginia Aquarium. the goal of the Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center is to acquaint children with the marine environment and foster a real appreciation for that environment . Kids who come here get to spend time on the beach, behind a microscope, and of course checking out lots of local marine creatures. At Virginia Aquarium and marine Science Center summer camp your kids will get to work with real marine life professionals and find themselves involved with hands on adventures they’ll remember all winter long.

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It may not be a zoo in the conventional sense but it is a place where wildlife lives and grows . If your kids like to explore what lies beneath call 757-385- O278 for more information. Camp sessions vary in length and time according to ages involved.
