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WWE Flashback: Best and Worst Moments of Survivor Series 1994

Bret Hart, HBK, Owen Hart, Survivor Series

The journey through each Survivor Series leading up to the 20th anniversary of the first Survivor Series continues. It is now 1994. Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Jake the Snake Roberts , Randy Savage and the Ultimate Warrior are now gone. They’ve been replaced by Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker, Yokozuna, Razor Ramon and Owen Hart. Would the WWE start to see better matches or worse?

Best Matches of Survivor Series 1994
Team Razor vs. Team HBK
– On the face team the Headshrinkers were basically just there as fodder for Diesel and the British Bulldog got counted out. Razor Ramon and the 1-2-3 Kid did the heavy lifting for the face team. On the heel side Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart wrestled about three fourths of the match before Diesel came in and cleaned house. Razor Ramon was the final man of his Survivor Series team and Shawn had his entire Survivor Series team but Diesel and HBK got into an argument and fought outside the ring. The entire team tried to stop Diesel and the entire Survivor Series team got counted out.

Bret Hart vs. Bob Backlund (I Quit Match) – Owen Hart was in Bob Backlund’s corner for the I Quit match continuing the Owen and Bret Hart feud that started at Survivor Series 1993. Owen Hart helped Bob Backlund get the upper hand in the match and then Owen talked Bret’s mother into throwing in the towel for Bret costing him the match and the championship belt. Not only was it a great way to continue the Owen Hart and Bret Hart feud but it was poetic justice because Bob Backlund lost the WWF Championship belt many years ago in the same fashion.

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Yokozuna vs. The Undertaker– Amazingly Survivor Series 1994 actually had three matches that had to be mentioned. I’ve said a few times now that I loved the Undertaker back in the day but Yokozuna was probably my second favorite monster heel so seeing the two clash with each other was huge.

Worst Match of Survivor Series 1994
For the second consecutive year the worst match at Survivor Series featured Doink the Clown. Doink and three midgets dressed like Doink wrestled Jerry Lawler and three midgets dressed up like Lawler. Like the year before it was a comedy match and I use the word comedy loosely.

Best Performer of Survivor Series 1994
The Clique
– Everybody gives the Clique a hard time for their politics but they brought their working boots to Survivor Series 1994. Razor Ramon and 1-2-3 Kid did most of the wrestling for the face team. Diesel got the hot tag and eliminated three people by himself. Shawn Michaels never got in the match but did a good job of ordering Diesel around, which led to their breakup. When the heel team got disqualified in the end Razor Ramon became the only wrestler to be down 5 on 1 and win the match.

Worst Performer of Survivor Series 1994
Doink, Dink, Wink and…whatever the other one was called
– The clowns were the only really bad part of Survivor Series 1994

Best Moment of Survivor Series 1994
Chuck Norris
– Fact: Chuck Norris’ tears heal cancer, too bad Chuck Norris has never cried. Just ask Jeff Jarrett when Chuck Norris stopped him from interfering in the Undertaker and Yokozuna match.

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Worst Moment of Survivor Series 1994
Chicken Fight
– Fortunately there was nothing as cringe worthy in the Doink match as last year when one of the Headshrinkers slipped on a banana peel but the chicken fight was pretty close. Dink got on top of Doink’s shoulders and they ran over to Jerry Lawler to chicken fight. At first one of the midgets was going to get on Jerry Lawler’s shoulders but instead Jerry Lawler decided to get on the midget’s shoulders. Oy.