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Women’s Heart Attacks VS. Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Stress Symptoms

It is common for individuals to see a womens heart attack and the symptoms associated with it as a panic or anxiety attack. The stress symptoms are so close to a womens heart attack it is scary. It might be a good idea to become more familiar with them. Because of the shortness of breath and the digestive problems that come with womens heart attack, most of the time help is not called until it is too late. Most of the time only an EKG can tell which of the two, womens heart attack or anxiety attack, the women is experiencing. As always, the best thing to do if you are in this of a womens heart attack is to just seek medical help immediately to be on the safe side.

What’s The Difference?

When a woman is having a panic or anxiety attack, it is common for her body to start making a large amount of hormones. These hormones are the cause of her not being able to breathe correctly, having a fast heart rate or palpitations, having cold sweats, and having a feeling of doom. The pain in the chest may actually feel like it is burning. Being dizzy, weak, and sick to her stomach and being panicky are also common. Womens heart attack will give the same feelings but the difference is the amount of time they stick around. If the symptoms last for more than a few minutes, it may be a womens heart attack.

The best preventative in stopping a womens heart attack is to see your doctor before it occurs. It is best to have regular checkups and diagnostic tests. Some of the testing for a womens heart attack is best saved for women who do not want any more children because of the radioactive nature of it. It may be necessary to rule out the issue of a womens heart attack by placing a catheter in the arteries or doing a test involving dye that runs through the arteries. This will show if any of the main arteries to the heart is blocked in any way, which is one of the main causes for womens heart attack problems.

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Any time you feel these problems that are associated with a womens heart attack, call 911 immediately. It is better to go into the emergency room for a panic attack and be safe than die at home because of a womens heart attack. When the symptoms of a womens heart attack are caught within the first few minutes, there is a better chance of saving a life than losing it. Be encouraged by the fact that there are some new tests being created so that a womens heart attack can be detected earlier than is now possible.

Source: http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=19561
