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Witty Quotes by Kiss Legend Gene Simmons

Whether you love him or hate him, Gene Simmons is one of the wittiest rock stars you will ever see. Gene Simmons may be stuck on himself, but as he explains in some of the following quotes, being selfish can get you really far in life. I may not agree with some of the things Gene Simmons says, but he will always be a legend.

Witty Quotes by Kiss Legend Gene Simmons #1: “Life is too short to have anything but delusional notions about yourself.”

Witty Quotes by Kiss Legend Gene Simmons #2: “I refuse to stand up in front of a rabbi and my friends and the woman I love – who I will tell you I can love with all my heart – and promise she will be the only one I will ever have until the day I die. That’s a lie.”

Witty Quotes by Kiss Legend Gene Simmons #3: “My hero is me. Why? Because I was a poor little kid who was told, ‘Hey stupid, can’t you speak English?’ Now all those people work for me. Despite whatever circumstances I came across, I was always able to rise to the top and there’s only one way to do that – by being selfish, but also by believing in yourself. Belief is self-knowing. Even Yoda out of Star Wars said, ‘Do or do not. There is no try.'”

Witty Quotes by Kiss Legend Gene Simmons #4: “When I’m gone, on my tombstone I’d like ‘Thank you and goodnight’, because I have no regrets. The sad thing is most people have to check with someone before they do the things that make them happy. We’re all passing through; the least we can do is be happy, and the only way to do that is by being selfish.”

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Witty Quotes by Kiss Legend Gene Simmons #5: “I’m forbidden fruit. Once you go to certain households, mommy doesn’t want you to see that dirty man who sticks his tongue out and spits out blood and all that stuff.”

Witty Quotes by Kiss Legend Gene Simmons #6: “When you really think about it, I’m not delusional enough to think that what I do is important to life as we know it on this planet. No. But neither is what you do.”

Witty Quotes by Kiss Legend Gene Simmons #7: “James Bond has a license to kill, rock stars have a license to be outrageous. Rock is about grabbing people’s attention.”

Witty Quotes by Kiss Legend Gene Simmons #8: “Last time I checked, the only one who owns me is the mother who gave me birth. In return for life, she is allowed to torture me. No other woman is allowed to do that, they have not earned that right!’

Witty Quotes by Kiss Legend Gene Simmons #9: “Like when my boy went to kindergarten, and they asked the kids to bring in photos, and things to talk about what their parents do. One boy brought scissors, because his dad was a barber, another kid brought a hammer, because his dad built houses. My son walked in with a poster of me spitting fire and drooling blood.”

Witty Quotes by Kiss Legend Gene Simmons #10: “Marriage is an institution, and you must be fully committed to it. That sounds crazy to me.”
