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Why Stained Glass Art May Be the Perfect Hobby for You

Glass Art, Soldering Iron

Having owned a stained glass studio for almost a decade, I know how rewarding the hobby has been for me, but is it the same for the average person who takes a class, then just makes stained glass pieces as a hobby?

We have taught over 500 people how to become stained glass artists, and these are a few of the reasons they have given for why they continued working with glass:

It’s a very rewarding hobby
Not only do you have the satisfaction of mastering the techniques used in the creative process, but the finished product is it’s own reward. The beautiful pieced glass, enhanced by light streaming through it, produces a “painting” unlike that of any other medium. Since stained glass pieces, properly cared for, can last a lifetime, it’s an enduring legacy to give to friends and family, too.

It’s a great stress-reliever
We’ve had doctors, nurses, accountants and more take our class, and all agree it’s great for stress relief. Since you need to concentrate fully on what you are doing when you work with glass, you often lose track of time and don’t realize how long you have been working. You forget all about the outside world when you take time to unleash your creativity.

One thing we do at Stained Glass One to encourage this creativity is “open studio night” where many glass artists work on their projects at the same time. They find this time of interaction and social stimulation to be another great stress-reliever. See if your local studio has events like this.

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It can add value to your home
Windows, side panels, door inserts, lamps and cabinet doors created from stained glass are not just beautiful, they also increase the value of any home. Purchasing them from someone else can be costly, due to the time involved in making larger pieces. Creating your own pieces gives you the same benefit, while cutting your costs to a manageable level. It’s a classic example of a time when having “more time than money” can be to your advantage.

You can produce great gift items at a fraction of their retail cost
With everyone looking for ways to cut our expenses, you can readily see how creating your own gifts is a real positive. In fact, handmade items are making a huge comeback as people realize how much time and work goes into the process. You can also produce very personal and specialized items for your friends and family. Imagine being able to give a gift with an attached note: “I made this myself, just for you.”

Using your creativity is the best way to hang onto it
It’s an amazing fact that the more you allow your creativity to flow, the better it gets. Stained glass is partly craft (the mechanics of cutting, grinding, foiling and soldering) and partly art (choosing or creating a pattern, finding the best glass by color and texture for the project, and adapting the design to your purposes). Practice will greatly improve both aspects of your hobby.

You could produce a little extra income
In fact, we warn our students about this. As soon as friends and family see their work they will get a flurry of requests to make something for them, too. Of course, you need to determine if you will make gifts for them or choose to charge for your efforts. Our best advice: charge them for the supplies you use, then add the cost of one tool you would like to own (a good cutter, a special soldering iron, etc.). This is very fair to you, but also to the buyer, who will save a considerable amount over studio-purchased work.

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I probably could add one more big reason to try stained glass work…it’s great fun. I have enjoyed many pleasant hours looking for just the right pattern, then finding the perfect piece of glass to create my finished “work of art.” I love the results, and the reaction I get from delighted folks who receive my handmade gifts.

The choice is yours. Why not at least give the hobby a try and see if you’ll get hooked, too?