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What’s Great About Tall Women?

Tall Women

Most women never get over 5′ 8″ tall. They say the average height for women is around 5′ 6″. From what I have seen in my life most men seem to prefer women shorter than them. It seems men are intimidated by tall women. There is nothing wrong with short women but there is some great things about tall women that most men do not consider. I intend to outline some those things in this article.

Long Legs

If your a leg man like me tall women with good legs is a very good thing. There is more to look at and enjoy. Tall women can be very attractive and I am not just talking about looks either. There is just something great about a tall women with a great pair of legs. Her long legs means she has a bigger lap so you can lay your head in her lap easier.

Great for slow dancing

With any women who loves to dance you can cut a rug with. However, with a tall women she can actually lay her head on your shoulder instead of your chest like short women. She could kiss your neck easier and blow in your ear while dancing. You can also hold her close without breaking your back.

Great for cuddling

With tall women when your sitting close to each other you can have an easier time of kissing and cuddling. No problem looking her straight in the eyes. She doesn’t have to look up at you and can play with your hair and hold you. Tall women are not intimidated by a tall man and can take the lead. I find that kind of refreshing.

See also  I Am Tall - Where Can I Find Trendy Clothes for My Size?

Less competition

Since most men are intimidated by tall women you have less competition for her attention. Most men will shy away from going up to a tall women. Which leaves an opening for guys like me. When she sees with you that her height is not an issue she is ready to want to get to know you better. Lets face it women like a man who is not prejudice about her size, height, or features.

Right places

Just like shorter women tall women have their body parts in all the right places. The only difference between the two is height. Tall women can be just as pretty as shorter women can. In fact I find them attractive and very desirable. That doesn’t mean I haven’t dated shorter women cause I have. You will probably find that with taller women you could sit in their lap once in awhile. A tall woem sitting in my lap is just fantastic too.

You may find that shorter women are more to your liking but for me I say the taller the better. Doesn’t matter if they are taller than me.