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What You Should Know Before Your First Caviar Tasting

Foreign Food, Vodka Martini

‘It’s an acquired taste’ they say, with that look of superior smugness as you try to think about this salty goo you’ve bravely consumed. This elegant savory snack is the highlight of many gourmet meals, lavish affairs, and most recently, an evening of sampling at a Caviar tasting. You don’t want to confuse this experience with, say, a cheese tasting, or a foray into the world of champagne. A caviar tasting is not for curing a sensitive palette. It will, however, help you learn the difference between lumpfish and authentic fish eggs-because you should know the difference. If you’ve been invited to one of these elaborate affairs, here are just a few tips and pointers to handle your first Caviar tasting experience:

  • The fish-egg sampling itself can last approximately 2-3 hours, depending on the assortment of Caviar available. The more types of Caviar, the longer it will take to wash down with champagne. Have your designated driver assigned as soon as you’ve scanned the area.
  • Caviar dishes are usually presented in round tins, open and ready for dipping your tiny toast points. Toast points are the triangular pieces of toast neatly lined up on the silver trays; expert tasters don’t eat them with the caviar.. Instead, consider it your fancy serving spoon-the caviar is scraped off the toast point, and then consumed.
  • All caviar is served on ice; if there’s no cooler system in sight, be weary of what you sample. The eggs must be stored and served chilled at all times.
  • Tasting the difference in quality of caviar will take time, patience, and practice. The three main types from highest to lowest quality are Beluga, Osetra, and Sevugra. Most dishes will be labeled as such, so you can start memorizing them and share the subtle differences with other brave tasters.
  • Caviar may be served and presented in a blini. Don’t be put off by this stuffed crepe that often accompanies a dish of appetizers. The caviar is mixed with butter or sour cream, then rolled into this soft, toasted dough and can make the tasting that much more palatable.
  • Expect to enjoy a premium vodka martini or champagne. These are ideal accompanying drinks for the entire night (and can keep you busy even when you’re not doing any actual tasting).
  • Caviar Economics 101: Caviar is incredibly expensive for two main reasons. First, it is extremely perishable, and must be served immediately. Second, it’s difficult to obtain-the harvest season is limited in the key areas of the Caspian sea, and not many fishermen can catch the species of sturgeon that make the prized fish eggs in mass quantities. Knowing this might justify it’s gourmet status a little.
  • Forget about that diet tonight. Caviar is very high in fat and cholesterol, so excessive amounts, if you somehow become addicted to the substance, can end up on your waistline.
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After the tasting is over, be sure to drink plenty of water. This will help digest the copious amounts of foreign food items in your system–and clear your head from the champagne. If you’re still curious to venture forward in the world of Russian gourmet, maybe you can host your own tasting?