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What to Expect After an Appendectomy

Appendectomy, Appendicitis, What to Expect

Just as most people don’t plan on developing acute appendicitis, most people don’t plan on receiving an appendectomy. Appendectomies are usually considered emergency procedures and performed on very short notice. Chances are you don’t know exactly what to expect after an appendectomy. You may have questions about the procedure, and what you should do to ensure minimal recovery time. You may ask, “What can I expect after an appendectomy? How long will recovery take? Are there any follow up procedures? Is there anything I need to do post-appendectomy? Why did I get appendicitis? Etc, etc.” The process can be confusing and a little bit frightening. So to help you cope with these difficulties, we’ve written this guide on what to expect after an appendectomy.

What happens during an appendectomy?

Before we discuss what to expect after an appendectomy, it’s important that you understand what the appendectomy procedure itself entails and why you needed one. Your doctor may have already gone over this with you, but it bears repeating just to make sure you understand. If you wish to go directly to after care information, you may skip ahead to the next section “What to expect after an appendectomy”.

Appendectomies are given when a patient develops acute appendicitis. The appendix becomes either enflamed or infected and it usually causes intense pain for the patient. When a patient arrives at a hospital and it is determined that he or she has acute appendicitis the appendectomy is usually performed as soon as possible afterwards in order to prevent the appendix from rupturing. A ruptured appendix can cause sepsis, which is deadly.

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After informing you of your condition and the fact that you need an appendectomy (and hopefully what to expect after an appendectomy) and gaining your consent for the procedure you will be taken to the hospitals surgical facilities where you will be put under a general anesthetic. During the course of the surgery, the doctor will either make one three inch incision, or three one inch incisions depending on whether you have elected a laparoscopic procedure or an open faced procedure. Laparoscopic appendectomies are usually considered less invasive and have shorter recovery times, and are therefore recommended when possible. In laparoscopic appendectomies the surgeon will insert a small camera through one of the incisions in order to find the appendix and remove it without having to create a very large incision. In either case, the surgeon will make the incisions on the lower right side of your abdomen. He will then inspect the organs around your appendix and your appendix itself in order to identify the source of pain and any inflammation or infection. He will position the appendix before removing it from the colon. If there is any pus or infection present the surgeon will most likely remove it through the use of vacuum tubes. The surgeon will then sew close the place in your digestive tract where the appendix was removed. After reclosing your abdominal muscles and skin, the surgeon will have finished with your appendectomy and will cover the wound with a sterile bandage. If there are no complications during the course of your appendectomy, it will usually take about an hour.

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What to expect after an appendectomy

After an appendectomy, you may expect to be taken to a post-anesthesia care unit where you will stay until you regain consciousness and begin breathing independently again. You will then be transferred to a general hospital unit in order to begin recovering. How long it takes you to recover from appendicitis and appendectomy varies, but usually normal activity can be resumed after between 2 and 3 weeks. The day after your surgery you may begin to drink fluids again, and if you respond positively to this you may be given solid food. Nurses and orderlies will encourage you to sit up and walk throughout the day. Any pain you have will be treated with medication.

After an appendectomy, you may expect to return home within 24 hours to finish recovering. The incision will be held close with several bandages and these will fall off naturally as you continue your daily routine. You do not need to worry about the internal sutures, because these will slowly dissolve on their own. You will not need further surgery to remove them.

While the incision after an appendectomy will usually scar, various over the counter beauty products can minimalize the appearance of this.

Tips for staying healthy after an Appendectomy

After an appendectomy, you may be given antibiotics to prevent infection. You should take these, along with any other medication your doctor prescribes as you are directed.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Foods that are high in antioxidants will help speed the healing process and minimalize the chance of infection

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Most of all, after an appendectomy, be thankful! You just got through major surgery and made it out alive. There are many people like you who are not around to say that.