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What the Color of Baby Diarrhea Indicates

Breast Fed, Diarrhea, Home Remedies for Dehydration, Infant Diarrhea

There is so much to learn about and be aware of as a parent of a new baby, it seems the questions are never ending. One aspect of the baby that a parent really needs to keep an eye on is any changes in bowel movement, and although baby diarrhea happens at some point to most babies, being aware of the baby diarrhea color is very important.

Infant diarrhea comes in many colors and although checking a dirty diaper is not something to look forward to, it is something that you as a parent need to be aware of when considering the baby’s health.

Light Pink or Red Type Color Baby Diarrhea

If your baby is constipated and finally releases, there could be baby diarrhea at a little later stage due to the back up. It is possible that the straining can cause severe pressure or possibly even small tearing which could cause pink residue from blood. There is also an issue of diaper rash from diarrhea, if the diaper rash is severe, it is possible for the diaper rash to cause bleeding. When there is any type of blood in the baby diarrhea, it is always wise to call the baby’s physician on the phone and at least describe the symptoms so that the physician can give you recommendations on what you should do to help your baby.

Dark Brown or Black Diarrhea Color

When a baby has too much iron in their system such as coming from iron fortified formula, it can cause the baby to have dark brown or black diarrhea. If the stool is a very black diarrhea, there is a chance of internal bleeding although because the baby diarrhea is a dark color does not mean serious. Again, with any type of dark colored infant diarrhea it is a good idea to give the doctor a call and explain what you are seeing.

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Yellow or Orange Color Baby Diarrhea

Many babies that are breast fed have a yellow or orange type color diarrhea, breast milk is a great laxative so it is not uncommon for breast fed babies to have stools that are very loose in nature and yellow or an orange type color.

Green Diarrhea Color

Excessive iron can also cause a green diarrhea type color, allergies is another possibility or if the baby is breast fed and Mom ate something that doesn’t agree with baby, it can also cause green diarrhea. Green diarrhea is not uncommon in babies but always go the safe way and call the doctor if you are unsure or feel uncomfortable with your baby’s diarrhea.

White Color Baby Diarrhea

It is possible that when infant diarrhea has a white type tint to it that there could be liver problems so if a whitish diarrhea is noted, call your doctor immediately. White type diarrhea does not mean for sure there is liver problem but contacting a doctor is essential.

Tan Color Baby Diarrhea

Tan baby diarrhea is fairly common in babies that are given formula, there is generally no need to be worried about this color of infant diarrhea. However, if the baby diarrhea continues make sure to call your doctor as you do not want the baby to dehydrate.

Examining and evaluating baby diarrheais not a pleasant activity, however you want your child to be in her or his best health so being aware of your baby’s color diarrhea really is critical.

Whenever in doubt always call your baby’s physician, a phone call with a description of the diarrhea color is typically a great way for the doctor to get an idea of what may be causing the fecal discoloration. If your doctor feels like it sounds serious, he or she will have you come in to the office.

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It is better to be a pesky parent than a regretful parent, ask lots of questions about your baby’s diarrhea and if you do not feel like you are satisfied with the answers you receive keep asking or look for answers else where.



