It can be difficult coming up with the best father’s day gift ideas. Young or old, living at home or on your own, you can still be at a loss when it comes to unique father’s day gifts. Sure, you can come up with something. There are always father’s day gift suggestions from friends and family to help, but if you are searching for something unique that he will remember for years to come, here are some ideas to get you started.

Massage – While you wouldn’t think of this as a gift for many men, you’d be surprise at how many wouldn’t mind having a nice long massage…as long as they weren’t the ones that had to purchase it.

Steak of the month club – This unique father’s day gift idea might be a little on the pricey side, but for the dad who love’s a juicy steak it could be the perfect present.

Gift basket – While it might not be the manliest sounding of father’s day gift ideas, it can do the job for the right type of man. There is a variety of different gift basket options ranging from beer lovers to spa amenities.

Vinyl record bowl – Yes, they can actually make bowls out of old vinyl records now. Not only is this a unique gift option for dad, but it is also the perfect way to help the environment by putting all those millions of old records to use again.

Record label coasters – Sticking with the record theme, the labeled vinyl center portion of old records are now being used as coasters. This is another unique idea that isn’t too expensive either.

See also  Father's Day Gifts for the Dad Who Has Everything

NFL Team Grill Cover – Fewer items go better together than grilling out and football. By buying dad a grill cover with his favorite NFL team on it, you can meld the two even better with this great father’s day gift idea.

Racecar driving school – This one is definitely for the dad who loves racing and has a bit of a wild side. It’s even better if you’ve ever heard him muttering about how he could race better than half the drivers out there. Well, now you can give him the chance to prove himself!

Photo art – A perfect way to immortalize your father is with personalized photo art. Maybe a photo of you or him together, a family photo, him by himself in a memorable photo, or even a shot of a pet or pets can make the perfect subject matter for creating this gift.

Land on Mars – No, this doesn’t mean you are going to land him on Mars (no matter how much you’d like to sometimes). Now you can now buy him an acre of land on the planet itself!

Land on the moon – If he’s looking for some available land a little closer to home, maybe the moon will be more to his liking. Buying up some real estate here might come in handy if Earth ever has to resettle!