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True Love is Rooted in Divinity

True Love is rooted in Divinity

Love, in the true sense, is the divine expression Nature. It has a mysterious power of creativity and transformation. True love has the potential to fulfill everything what one dreams in life, as it draws its strength from source of divine intelligence. A person having the creative vision of love can transform all his/her dreams in to reality.

You can experience the power of love, if you train your mind to listen to the silent language of your heart. Your heart only knows the true meaning of love, and has the potential to enable individual life to transcend to realm of pure love and bliss. Love is natural, intuitive, subjective and passionate. Love follows a non-linear path to flow, propelled more by the forces of intense emotion and intuition. Love knows no boundary of rational thinking, and judgment. A person gets attracted with another, motivated by a feeling of intense desire and emotion to make a homogenous whole. All streams of emotion and passion naturally flow to merge with the ocean of divinity.

In fact, this is only one aspect of what love is. Love is the natural power of bonding of all physical and living entities to make a homogenous whole. It is the divine power of nature to unfold its diverse forms and phenomena, as the creative manifestation of the universal consciousness. Love is all around and within us, pervading the whole universe. Love is the basis of creation of what we see, observe and experience of things all around. It is the underlying creative energy of our Mother Nature. Every living being is born with this creative power, therefore, has the inherent capacity to bond and unite with other life entities. Love is the subjective and divine basis of all of creation.

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With out the power of love, life is dry, static, abstract and meaningless. The more we realize our creative power, the more we make ourselves close to the realm of creative potential of Nature. Once the stream of individual life becomes one with the ocean of creative field of Nature, the individual acquires the ability to create anything he/she desires. To enjoy the power of love in individual life, one needs to elevate one’s individual consciousness to the state of universal consciousness, the state of unified cosmic whole.

In the gross level of individual life, ego overshadows the creative domain, pulling us down to the emotional aspect of love. Once we transcend our individual lives to the level of creative power of Nature, we get empowered to use our ego positively to create a love-filled world. In order to transcend from the field of individual ego to the level of supreme creativity of Self-Power, we need to engage our minds in meditation. By adopting transcendental meditation as the art of our living, we make us accessible to the creative potential of universal consciousness-the infinite source of love and bliss. A man, who is merged with the source of divine love, is full of pure love. He starts seeing love in all of creation.

The power of love can create miracle in your life and the surrounding you live in. To live a life of love, expand your vision completely outward to all areas of the universe and see love in everything. Remember, we are love and love is all, we are all one Absolute whole. The stars, planets, trees, mountains and all things that exist are simply the waves of the love in the ocean of the universal consciousness. Start loving each and everything unconditionally that your mind conceives, throwing away all pre-conceived notions and prejudices.

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The power of love has the potential to transform even your deadly enemy to become your best friend and well wisher. If there is any one in your life that you have ever had estranged relation, have fought emotional battle with or have stopped to see him/her anymore, take a moment to send forgiveness out to them. Take a moment each day to do something that brings forth love to all around you. Creating and sending signals of love do not materially cost you anything; a loving thought or a compassionate word can create magical impact on someone who feels unloved or uncared. A loving thought carries with it the creative power of transformation and evolution. A loving thought is a wave in the ocean of divinity-the source of universal love and consciousness. A loving thought when translated into action produces life supporting objects and phenomena that unfold the beauty of Nature.

Ego based love with emotion of sex and romance is not the true love; it is the infatuation of mind putting on a self-image, a social mask. Love is all encompassing, all embracing and all pervading associated with natural impulse of compassion, without any attachment to emotion. We are nothing but the physical manifestation or embodiment of divine love of the Mother Nature, the source of the all encompassing creative power of God, individualized in each of us. Realize the true meaning of love from a divine and creative perspective and sow the seeds of love, compassion and forgiveness, wherever you live, go or work. Live a life of unconditional and selfless love with a vision of oneness that enlivens you as well as others.