Karla News

Transportation to Work Without a Car

Need a ride to work, but you don’t have a car? Here are some innovative ways to get transportation when you need it most. Consider yourself lucky if you are within a reasonable walking distance. I knew a woman so lazy she would ask for a ride to pick her kids up from school and she only lived a block away.

Shelling out some dough for a bicycle, bicycle chain & lock doesn’t even compare to the price of a car. You can look in classified ads, go to garage sales, shop in flea markets or second hand stores if you prefer to buy a used bike. Bicycles can get you where you need to go a lot faster than walking.

For the person without a car, holding a steady job, playing on the sympathy of co-workers for a lift home is more easily achieved than a lift to work especially if the caring co-workers live nowhere close. Going out of the way to do you a favor costs them money and if asking or expecting a ride becomes an everyday occurrence, co-workers may go out of their way to avoid you. They might out-right say “No” or make up an excuse, ask you to help pay for the gas or simply state “I’m not going that way.”

If you don’t want to splurge on gas expense then you might try hitchhiking, but its pretty much illegal in all states. Should you get caught you’ll be fined. This is the time you might want to think about purchasing a scooter. To operate a scooter requires a license since most people drive them in the middle of the street just like a car. If your driver’s license has been revoked you may still be able to drive one. Skates or a skateboard can be a cheap mode of transportation as long as you have sidewalk and roads to use them on.

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Another tactic to support daily comings and goings is to ask your pastor or a member of your church if they could take you or advertise in your church bulletin, if it has one, and ask for volunteers to help you out in your struggle to stay afloat. In it you might express how renting a car or joining a carpool is not an option if your driver’s license has been revoked. You can ask for donations to help buy a car if you can’t afford one and desperately need one.

If there is a taxi service in your town you might have to go ahead and use it. Taxi’s can get extremely expensive so you may have to do without something to pay for it. A really good way of finding reliable transportation is to advertise in your local newspaper. You can place an ad to hire someone with a car to pick you up for work and take you home. Also you can choose a certain day of the week to be driven to the store or to pay bills etc. as long as you pay your hire for it. Gas should be paid for, estimate how much and stick with that, as well as a set salary. They can be your personal chauffeur, but at a much cheaper price.