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Trampoline Safety Tips

When you have children, their safety is always the first thought in your mind. We try to foresee the future to keep them safety. We think of all the what ifs that could possibly happen when they are playing a game or get a new toy. As the kids get older it seems the toys get bigger, taller, higher, and do not seem as safe as when they were little. It is our job as a parent to set rules and boundaries for the toys and games that are not as safe as we would like them to be.

I was more than hesitant when my children received a trampoline for a Christmas gift. Luckily, they also got the safety net enclosure to go with it. Unfortunately, I really had no say in the matter, but we did agree that there would be rules that would be followed. They had received it from their grandmother and it would stay at her house. She watches my children while I work so they were there quite a bit. My boys have had their trampoline for 5 years now and by following a few simple rules, I am happy to say there has not been a single trampoline related injury.

The first thing the boys learned is that there are no shoes allowed on the trampoline. Shoes will carry dirt and small stones onto the trampoline and begin to wear at the fibers.

The most important rule is that if someone walks under the trampoline they needed to stop jumping immediately. Small children and large dogs are at risk of being hit by the jumpers if they walk under the trampoline. This could easily break their necks or severely injury them in some other way.

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The one of the most important rules is no more than two on the trampoline at one time. This worked out fine because I only have two children. What did not work out so well at first was the difference in their size. My boys are 8 years apart so there was a big difference there. Thankfully, the oldest understood this and was careful when his brother was jumping with him. I recommend if you have more than two children that you match them up according to size.

Another rule they must follow is that they must stay only the black part of the trampoline. Ours has a blue cover that goes over the springs. It is important that they learn the cover will move allowing their feet, arms, or fingers to be caught in the springs if they are not careful. Sometimes accidents happen and the stumble and land on the blue cover that’s ok, it is when they step on the cover on purpose that earns them a time out away from the trampoline.

They must have adult supervision. They age of the child depends on the amount of supervision they need. Even with the safety net things can still happen. You do not necessarily have to sit beside them and watch their every move but keep an eye on them at all times.

As with any rules that we apply to our children use common sense. We cannot stop the world from turning just because our children may get hurt, that is a part of childhood. If you forbid them from doing something on the trampoline, they will try it just to see what all the fuss is about. Explain why you chose the rules that you did.