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Top Ten Mother’s Day Quotes

Mother's Day Quotes

As I searched and perused through quite a few Mother’s Day quotes, I deemed each chosen appropriate by the similarities and feelings I have towards my own mother. Mothers are so seldom appreciated, and the same goes for fathers. This article provides me with an opportunity , using my own words and other people’s to describe the reality of my mother and motherhood in general.

“A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. This Mother’s day quote by Tenneva Jordan, is definitely in my top ten. The sacrifices my mother has made for her daughters and her family in general, fit this scenario perfectly. Tenneva Jordan simply stating in obvious note, that a true mother will put aside her needs for other people. No matter if she likes it or not. Countless times I’ve seen my mother buy gifts or spend money on other people rather then herself. She’s claimed the joy was in the giving, but I know she could have bought something for herself instead.

Pablo Picasso quoted : “My mother said to me, “If you become a soldier you’ll be a general; if you become a monk you’ll end up as the pope.” Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.” Here Picasso described his mother as an encourager, she expected great things from him. And in faith saw greatness in who he was. And now Picasso, recognized by so many as a famous painter, could really attest to that fact. My mother has given me a kick in the pants to get things done since I was little, giving me much needed support and encouragement. Like Picasso described in the quote, my mother would say the same to me, except in the form of ‘so when are you going to write book?” And in fact she has said that to me. She hasn’t asked me if I’m going to be a writer, she’s asked me when am I going to write a book! Her expectations are high, and I hope I can reach them like Picasso did.

After reading this I can’t help but chuckle to myself. “All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That’s his. Oscar Wilde another famous face, quoted this. We do become like our mothers, and sadly men may not. I wouldn’t say becoming like my mother is a tragedy, she’s instilled caring and love in her teaching me, since I was young. Men, tend to be like their fathers, and maybe that is a tragedy sometimes. Either way, the meaning is clear, and the proof is in the pudding… so to speak. … Women tend to be nuturer’s while men protectors.

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Another memory I have is when I was younger my mother probably couldn’t claim to having much alone time. Barging in without a thought to what she was doing or if she even wanted alone time, my sisters and I often would come running in with the latest gossip of ‘what’s on our mind.’ Which brings to mind… why I know my mother could relate to this quote by Sophia Loren: “When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.” A true statement, privacy sometimes takes a vacation when you become a mother.

Mothers are fonder than fathers of their children because they are more certain they are their own.” Aristotle quoted this Mother’s Day quotation, and I had to put this in my top ten… basically stating men can’t have children, while mother’s carried them in the womb and know more certainly that they are their own. A kind of jaded version of what a mother is, but a funny one to say the least. Oh how the heart grows fonder as these quotes continue! (grins) Onward!

Oprah Winfrey quoted this simple saying and yet it holds so much meaning “Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother. ” Whether you are an adopted child or blood related, mother hood isn’t all about the genes. You can be a mother by being a nuturer, loving and forgiving, a teacher and a friend. I have a few friends that are adopted, and their adoptive mother is the nicest person you could ever meet! That’s why I loved this quote, because mother hood isn’t about relation it’s about relating, and living with mother ‘type’ characteristics.

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Another great quote, and this one is by William D. Tammeus, “You don’t really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around – and why his parents will always wave back. ” This one is relatable to a mother and father. Do you remember going down the slide at a park as a child and telling your mom (or dad) look at me, look at me?! Or when you stepped on the podium for graduation waving your diploma, as your mom or dad smiled back at you from the crowd. The feeling that we need recognition from our parents for doing something we think is the greatest, for them to see and be happy in who we are is the best feeling ever. Knowing they are watching us and loving us no matter how many times we go around on the merry-go-round of our life. Knowing that they are there to see and acknowledge our accomplishments can be an emotional high no drug could ever achieve. And a memory you won’t ever forget!

Wow, this one I can very much relate to, growing up in a family of all girls , this Chinese Proverb hits close to home! “There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it. ” Countless times I’ve asked my mother if I was pretty, and she’d say yes. No matter how awful I looked or how fat or ugly I felt, she’d be there to say “you are pretty April.” As daughters we think , ‘she’s just saying that because she’s our mother.’ In truth she’s saying that because that’s how she feels. Knowing that prettiness isn’t always based on outward appearance, she was there to watch my sisters and I grow up. In her eyes we are beautiful, we are her children and she sees us for who we are, the good and not always the bad. I’ve come to realize mothers don’t justify beauty (or at least mine doesn’t) in the same way.as outsiders do. True mothers see with the heart and not the eyes.

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This heart, my own dear mother, bends, With love’s true instinct, back to thee! Thomas Moore’s saying says it best, mothers were there in the beginning, as we came out of the womb, they were there offering love with their arms and their actions. We tend to be drawn to the familiar, and those who’ve shown us love especially. My heart does bend back to my mother, she showed love and with that love I can give it back to her. The love that’s in my heart for her, was shown first to me by her. What a lovely saying, and another reason why I picked this quote for my top ten! The true mother is all about her children.

I regard no man as poor who has a godly mother.” Abraham Lincoln, a mover and shaker in the world as we know it, said this. And with him I end this quoting of
Mother’s Day quotes. My mother is the epitome of a godly mother. She’s made mistakes, as all do, but when it comes to teaching us about the Bible, eternity and the value of God, she’s top notch. A mother who is wise enough to put her own doubts and misconceptions aside to give us a chance at immortality, at heaven, is a true one indeed. Even while going through doubts herself, she put aside her own spiritual needs to offer us a chance at happiness that she herself thought she had no claim to. That’s a mother. And so with that in mind, I know my father, my sisters and I are truly rich in the wife and mother we were given.

Thanks to each of these sites for giving me the quotes I needed!