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Top Ten Incredible Senior Pranks

Senior prank: a time -honored tradition at many schools, as sacred as homecoming. However, it is much reviled by administrators everywhere. The main problem administrators have with senior prank is damage to property. So, as long as you’re not burning down the school, have fun with the prank; here are some suggestions.

1) Get six pigs/goats/hedgehogs/medium-sized animals and spray paint the numbers 1,3,4,5,6, and 7 on them. Let them loose in the school, and have fun watching furious administrators try to find number 2.

2) Buy a thousand cheap Walmart forks (metal ones), and with the help of some friends, stick them all over the school grounds. Have a few in the soccer field near the goals with the prongs facing up, so that when the goalie tries to dive for a ball, he gets a pokey surprise.

3) Buy dozens of dozens of containers of petroleum jelly (Vaseline). Put the petroleum jelly all over various places which people often touch in the school. Some examples: computer mice, door knobs, cabinet handles, desk seats, pencil sharpener handles, toilet/urinal flushing devices: the possibilities are endless.

4) Get a couple thousand bouncy balls of all kinds: small, big, medium, spongy, obscene, etc. During the passing period, take all the bouncy balls to the tops of various staircases and let them bounce down as kids are trying to go up and down the staircase. Half the fun is in seeing kids scramble to get some balls. Brownie points if you hit some teachers or administrators.

5) Super-glue some personalized coins (i.e. Class of 2008) all over the school. You’ll be remembered forever, and they will never come off.

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6) Blow up pictures of teachers and put them in the urinals. Have a funny caption. I saw a hilarious caption for a George Dubya Bush urinal poster saying “Don’t worry, he pisses on you too”.

7) Get some cheap shocking devices, or if you’re handy with a soldering iron, make some yourself. Hook them up to random metal objects: metal desks, door knobs, etc. Make sure you don’t do this near computers, or you’ll be paying tons of fines. Also, make sure you don’t do this to anyone with a pacemaker, or you’ll have to pay for more than just a new computer.

8) Have a bunch of seniors all wear woolen clothing. Have them hug and rub against each other: this is usually more effective if you have people rubbing against the other sex, and more interesting. Then, after they’ve built up tons of static electricity, make them give people random bear hugs, while shocking them at the same time.

9) Empty the ketchup dispenser and put some colored ketchup, or something else disgusting and dispensable, in the ketchup dispenser. Do the same mustard dispenser. Another idea would be to take the ketchup from the cafeteria and switch it with the soap in the bathroom soap dispenser. Imagine having soap go all over your fries, or watching your hands with ketchup!

10) Are the ceiling panels in your school’s classroom removable? If so, push the panel up and put a cell phone in the ceiling. Make sure the cell phone is powered on, and has its ringer set on buzz. Do this in many classrooms throughout the school. Next, have kids call hidden cellphones in other classrooms, making them buzz, and possibly shaking the ceiling. Put multiple cellphones in one classroom, and the effect is even greater. Teachers will never guess whats happening; just tell them that there is construction occurring on the roof.