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Top Five Natural Household Cleaners

Grout Cleaner

I stopped using toxic household cleaners years ago. As an asthmatic, the scents and fumes left me choking! Since then I have spent a lot of time experimenting with different non-toxic cleaners to find the products that work best for me. Read on to see my five favorite non-toxic cleaning products.

1. Washing soda – Washing soda is sodium carbonate – similar to baking soda but slightly more alkaline and therefore more effective at cutting through grease, oil and other substances that you might otherwise use toxic solvents to take care of. You can find washing soda in the laundry aisle of your supermarket.

Dishwashing/laundry powder: use two parts of washing soda to one part borax. I mix a large amount of this and store it in a covered plastic container. Add a few drops of essential oil if you’d like some scent (lemon is great for dishes, lavender for laundry).

2. Hydrogen peroxide – This is one of my favorite cleaners. Hydrogen peroxide provides all the germ-fighting action of vinegar, without the objectionable scent.

I use 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed half and half with water in a spray bottle to clean counters, cutting boards and other kitchen surfaces where bacteria may be lurking. I use the same mix as a fruit and vegetable soak (soak for an hour, then allow produce to dry before refrigerating).

My favorite use of hydrogen peroxide though is as a carpet cleaner. I have found it particularly effective for cleaning pet urine stains. It has the potential to discolor carpet (although that has never happened to me!) so try it out on a small area first.

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Hydrogen Peroxide carpet cleaner – After testing to assure no damage will occur, apply 3% hydrogen peroxide directly to carpet, then blot with a soft towel.

3. White vinegar – White Vinegar contains about 5% acetic acid, a substance which has been proven to kill mold, viruses and bacteria. If you’re looking for a non-toxic antibacterial, white vinegar is your answer!

Toy cleaner and deodorizer: (not for stuffed toys or electronics) Use one part distilled white vinegar to four parts warm water. Mix ingredients in a bucket and soak toys for at least an hour. Make sure to rinse thoroughly after soaking. The vinegar scent will disperse as the toys dry.

4. Rubbing alcohol – Rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) is another great, non-toxic disinfectant. I use rubbing alcohol and cotton balls to clean children’s toys that I can’t soak in the vinegar mixture above. The best part is that it evaporates very quickly, leaving no residue. Rubbing alcohol is also a great natural polish and build-up remover – pour directly onto a cleaning cloth to polish metal or tile surfaces. Don’t use near ovens or other flammable materials – remember, alcohol can catch on fire!

5. Baking soda – No list of non-toxic cleaners would be complete without baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate. There are many uses for baking soda in the home, everything from tile and grout cleaner to trash can deodorizer and laundry freshener. My favorite use for baking soda however is as a non-toxic oven cleaner!

Baking soda oven cleaner: Mix 1 cup baking soda with enough water to form a paste. Use a cleaning brush to rub the paste onto the surfaces of a cooled oven. Leave overnight. The next day, use a clean brush to scrub the baking soda mixture from the surfaces, rinse with water and you’re done! This method can also be used to clean burnt food from the bottoms of pots and pans.