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Top 8 Spanish 21 Gambling Tips

When people go to a casino they only have one thing on their minds. WIN! The only way you can win at the casino is if you beat the casino but unfortunately a casino is not designed for you to win. The odds of you winning big at the casino depends on four things; what type of game you play, how much money you are beating, how many people you play each game with and how well they play the game. Sound surprised at the last one? It’s true so let me explain. My game is Spanish 21, it’s just like blackjack but with more ways for you to “win” such as; 5, 6, 7 card Charlie, match the dealer, splitting, doubling down and surrendering. I started playing the game three years ago on my 21st birthday with a friend of mine Tracy. I lost $400 that night and I think Tracy lost even more, however, I was intrigued by the game. Intrigued enough to go home and “practice” the game. We discovered how to beat the dealer so here are some tips to winning in Spanish 21.

1.A casino table fits 5-6 people; therefore you should play with 4-5 people who know how to play the game. When we play we play only with our friends who we’ve practiced the game with. Play to beat the dealer. That means you all take a hit or none of you take a hit. The most important thing is to play together!

2.Always play “Match the Dealer” Match the dealer is a bet you can place before every hand is dealt. It’s a bet that you can make in any denomination with a maximum limit of $1,000. Depending on how much money you are playing with you should play a minimum of $10 per hand. If not you will be sorry.

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3.If the dealer is dealt a card that is a 6 or smaller do not hit! The dealer must hit on 16 and below but stay on 17. The reason why no one should hit is you risk the chance of taking the dealers break card. For example if the dealer has a 6 or low showing you must assume the dealers other card is a 10, which will make him/her quit. So if you take the dealers break card you run the risk of the dealer beating you. This increases the chances of not only you but also the whole table winning.
4.Split on all Aces’. If you are dealt two Aces’s (which is rare) split them. That means double your bet and you now have two chances are winning. If the dealer is showing a 6 then you hit, if it is lower than a 6 hit anyway regardless of the first rule to play as a team to bet the dealer. This is the only time you play for yourself.

5.Double down on all hands of 11 only if the dealer has a card showing a 7. Doubling down means you take one card in hopes that it is a ten, which will bring you to 21. If the one card you get puts you below 17 surrender and you will only loose half your money.

6.The next tip is sort of illegal but you should count the cards. Casinos play with 3 to 4 decks of cards so engage in general conversation with the dealer to find out how many decks of cards they play with and begin counting face cards, jacks, queens, kings and tens. That way you can anticipate what card is coming but more importantly what the dealer has.

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7.Periodically up your bet. Now this can solely be your choice, the whole table does not have to up their bet. But if you continuously bet the same amount of money you will not win big and the casino will take you. Out of ten hands if you have won more than lost then you up your bet. The amount is your choice but you must go up. If out of ten hands you have lost more then you decrease your bet.

8.Last but not least, don’t change tables and stay in for the long haul. Stay at the one you started at and make sure the people at your table (if they are not your friends) stay at your table. Loosing one or more players shifts the cards dealt and it messes up things. If you loose players stop the game and wait. The dealer can’t deal if no one is playing.

These tips are sure to help you “win big” at the casino, however even playing these tips you may occasionally loose but like Rule #8 says stay for the long haul. Good luck and happy gambling!


  • Personally expierence.