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Top 5 Organic Infant Formula Brands

Baby Formula, Infant Formula, Organic Baby Formula

Although breast feeding is still generally considered best for a baby there have been advances being made for healthy baby formula. Organic formula has recently started to take stride as mothers are looking for a formula that has few potential future allergens and is safe for a young baby. Organic formulas offer many benefits that most non organic formulas do not offer, but they are a bit higher in price. This article is going to take a look at the top 5 organic formula brands and what makes them so great. The list is in no specific order.

1. Natures One

Natures One is a leading baby formula company that is dedicated to providing no chemical residue in their formulas or any byproducts. There are many good reasons to choose Natures One for your baby formula as it does not contain melamine or cyanuric acid which is commonly found is cleaning products and plastics. This formula company provides many different choices for organic baby formula such as dairy, soy, lactose intolerant, and many other choices. Natures One provides the recommended vitamins that are required under the Infant Formula Act and also has the recommended protein and carbohydrates for the growing baby. To learn more visit their website www.naturesone.com.

2. Earth’s Best Organic Formula

Earth’s Best organic formula provides the essential vitamins that a growing baby needs and also contains DHA and ARA. The formula is great for a young baby that may have had trouble with other blends with problems such as constipation. Earth’s Best has no pesticides, steroids, or growth hormones that can be found in non organic dairy formulas; the product is all natural, yet still provides all the recommended nutrient options. There are a couple different choices that Earth’s Best offers, organic dairy formula with DHA and ARA and soy formula with DHA and ARA. To learn more visit their website www.earthsbest.com.

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3. Bright Beginnings Baby Formula

Bright Beginnings baby formula made this list for a whole host of reasons. First off the blends for all the formulas are organic with no pesticides, growth hormones, chemicals, or other nasty substances. The formula also has the recommended vitamins and nutritional values that are needed for a developing baby. The formulas all have a good amount of amino acids and the right amount of protein, not more than the baby needs, and not less. Bright Beginings is not a sole organic formula provider but does provide an easily digestible organic formula for young babies. To learn more visit their website at www.brightbeginnings.com.

4. Similac

Similac’s organic infant formula has a great organic dairy blend that mixes easily and provides ingredients for a growing baby. Similac has gotten mixed reviews by parents due to the fact that some babies do get constipated from using the product, but as with all formulas you will find that some are better suited for your baby and some are not. The formula is packed with antioxidants and has a good mix of DHA and ARA for healthy growth. More information can be found at www.similac.com.

5. Vermont Organics

If you are looking for a formula that was made without artificial growth hormones, pesticides, and other nasty chemicals then Vermont Organics is the brand you want. The blend is designed with the recommended vitamin and protein levels that are required in infant formulas, but it also includes DHA and ARA. Both the soy and dairy blends are gluten free and the soy blend are perfect for a lactose intolerant child or if you do not want to expose the child to dairy early on. More information on Vermont Organics can be found at www.vermontorganicsformula.com.

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