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Top 5 Fertilizers for Roses

Miracle Gro, Plant Food, Rose Bushes, Rose Pruning

As you are growing your roses, either in a pot or in the ground, remember to fertilize them. If you cannot decide between an organic fertilizer or synthetic one keep in mind the roles each one plays in the growth process. Organic fertilizer is going to feed your soil, which the plant will then get its nutrients from. Synthetic fertilizers will feed your rose bush directly. So know what you want from your roses before choosing the perfect fertilizer for you. This will help you know what will work best.

Furthermore, know your soil and climate type before growing or fertilizing your rose bushes. You should perform soil tests before starting to grow.

Here are the top 5 rose fertilizers for your garden:

Spring and Fall Rose Tonic

This fertilizer is homemade and has been passed down for many years. Apply this tonic after spring and fall pruning as well as once a month during the spring. You can buy these ingredients from your local nursery, farm or ranch store, and also online. If your roses are in pots try putting 1 cup of fertilizer around the top of your pot. As you water your rose bush this will act like a timed release mixture.

To get additional information on how to make this fertilizer you can view the recipe online; Spring and Fall Rose Tonic

Rose Food

Rose food is a fertilizer that will keep your roses looking fuller and the leaves a deeper green throughout the spring and summer months while it is in bloom. This fertilizer is a blend of lava sand, rock phosphate, alfalfa meal, sul-po-mag, and cottonseed meal. During the growing months you will want to put 1 cup of Rose Food on your flowers every 2 to 3 weeks.

See also  The Best Rose Fertilizers to Ensure Beautiful Blooms All Season Long

You can get Rose Food at your local nursery or most hardware stores. If you are looking to purchase this online you can do so through this website.

Rose-Tone Organic Rose Fertilizer

Rose-Tone Organic Rose Fertilizer is an eco-friendly product and good for new plants as well as established roses. Each month you will want to grab a hand full of Rose-Tone and sprinkle it around your roses like you would sprinkle salt on your driveway in the winter. Then mulch and water your plants to ensure even distribution. If you want to get a longer lasting effect try sprinkling Rose-Tone over the top of your mulch. This will act like a time release system for future waterings. If your planting new plants or have potted roses you want to mix the fertilizer with your soil or into the first few inches of soil if your plant is established.

Rose-Tone Organic Rose Fertilizer can be purchased at your favorite nursery and most hardware stores. You can also find Rose-Tone online by visiting this website.

Miracle-Gro Shake ‘n Feed All Purpose

This simple design is an easy way to get great results for your roses and other garden plants. The good thing about this fertilizer is that it is good for more things than just roses so you can treat your entire garden at the same time. This is a 10-10-10 fertilizer formula and one bottle of Miracle-Gro Shake ‘n Feed All Purpose will give you at least 3 months of fertilizer coverage. This brand has a proven track record.

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Look for Miracle-Gro Shake ‘n Shake Feed All Purpose at your local nursery, hardware store, or even Target and Wal-mart.

Miracle-Gro Rose Plant Food

If you want to stay with a household brand that you can trust try the Miracle-Gro Rose Plant Food that is specifically designed to give you brighter colors and lusher looking leaves. This fertilizer is ideal for repeat and ever blooming varieties of roses. Works instantly and promotes quick and beautiful growth. Miracle-Gro Rose Plant Food is endorsed by the American Rose Society.

Buy this product just about anywhere Miracle-Gro products are sold.