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Top 5 Do’s and Don’ts of Vintage Wallpaper

With the recent American craze of everything vintage, wallpaper has surely taken the lead. What once was an interior designer’s worse nightmare (aside from wall paneling) is now a decorating staple. Now, before you jump on to the vintage wallpaper wagon, make sure to read my top 5 Do’s and Don’ts of using vintage wallpaper in your home.

Don’t go too trendy. Always use this as a rule of thumb when decorating; what is in style this year will most likely be way out of style two years from now. You don’t want to pour tons of money and labor into applying wallpaper that you are dying for just because you saw it on Paris Hilton’s bathroom in an episode of MTV Cribs. Unlike Paris, you probably don’t have the money to change your wallpaper every year. But then again, it should just be common sense to stay far, far away from anything that Paris Hilton is doing.

DO go for a design that you love. Have you been absolutely obsessed with cupcakes since you were five years old and now you’re 30? Then slap a roll of cupcake wallpaper on your wall! However, I strongly advise you to consult your husband about this before rolling out the cupcake wallpaper… he may not think that a large display of cupcakes on the wall is such a brilliant idea. But if you get the okay from him, go for it! To be completely honest, as long as you let them watch sports, most men don’t even notice if their walls are pink blue or polka dotted.

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Don’t choose a pattern that is too small. No matter how cute the pattern may look on the wallpaper when it is rolled up, the pattern will always look different on your wall. A pattern that is too small and busy will make even the largest of rooms look cluttered.

Do choose vintage wallpaper that goes with the rest of your décor. Just because you are getting new wallpaper, doesn’t mean that your entire room needs an overhaul. Your wallpaper should accent and enhance the décor scheme that is already set in your room, not completely alter it.

Don’t mindlessly apply wallpaper to every single wall in the room. If you have got a small room, applying wallpaper to all four walls will make the space look cramped and smaller than it actually is. Its okay to apply wall paper to just one wall, this will make that wall the focal point of the room and if done correctly can actually make the rest of your room look larger since the eye is drawn to the wall donning the gorgeous vintage wallpaper.