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Tips on Pricing Garage Sale Items

Garage Sale Tips, Sale Items, Successful Yard Sales

When someone intends to sell something used, they want to recoup as much money as possible, and why shouldn`t they? After all, the merchandise was not necessarily cheap to begin with. However, some people overprice garage sale items and end up being left with almost everything they hoped to sell. In the end, a good portion of the property is hauled back into the house or into the back of a pickup truck. They ultimately give most of the items away after going through all of the trouble of pricing, paying for ads, setup, and everything else involved in running a garage sale. Most of all they have wasted their time. Host a successful garage sale by using the following tips on pricing. It is possible to get rid of just about everything in one or two days.

Pricing Goods to Sell

The biggest mistake anyone can make when hosting a garage sale is pricing items too high. No one wants to pay almost full price for anything secondhand. Would you? Even if the item is brand new with the tags in place, it is still considered used, and the pricing should reflect this. When pricing garage sale items, forget about what you paid five or ten years ago. Consider what you would be willing to pay if you were shopping for those used items today. Do not try and obtain discount store prices or even resale shop prices for garage sale items. Pricing everything to sell is the key to garage sale success.

Set Up a Freebie Table

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Do you want to get rid of insignificant cheaper items at the garage sale while making larger sales? Set up a freebie table. Allow buyers to have one item from the freebie table for every five or six items they purchase, or let shoppers have something from the table with each transaction. This pricing tip will help clear out many more items, especially those that were unlikely to sell anyway but were easy to give away.

Haggle with Potential Buyers

When people pricing garage sale items are firm on their prices, they will sell far less than those willing to bargain. Haggling is expected at garage sales, and many customers will walk away when the seller is not willing budge on pricing. Those unwilling to take fifty cents less might end up giving away the item for free at the end of the day. Consider every single offer when pricing garage sale items, and concentrate on getting rid of everything instead of trying to recoup what you paid. People shopping at garage sales want and expect bargains.

Pricing Garage Sale Items at the End of the Day

Consider hosting a bag sale when pricing items at the end of the garage sale. This is a fantastic way to get rid of almost everything. Reconsidering pricing when the garage sale is almost over is very important. As the crowds begins to dwindle, provide potential shoppers with brown paper bags. Set a bag price instead of pricing items individually. For example, allow customers to fill a bag up to the top with anything they want for $5.00. If twenty garage sale customers take advantage of this offer, you make $100 and get rid of a lot of things you really did not want anyway.