Karla News

Tips on Increasing Breast Milk Production

Breast Milk Production, Milk Production, Yogi Tea

As a two time mom and a huge advocate of breast feeding, I have dealt with many obstacles when it comes to breast feeding. No one else in my family breast fed so when it came to issues or concerns, I had to rely on either my OB/GYN or a couple of friends who were experienced in this area. No one wants to get discouraged when it comes to providing the best nutrition for your baby. So, I thought I should share my findings on increasing breast milk which is the biggest issue most nursing moms seem to encounter.

The most important issue when nursing is either increasing your milk production or keeping your supply up. Once you deliver your baby and start producing milk, I recommend pumping in between feedings. Depending on the individual and the amount of time you are willing to dedicate to it, you will be able to pump out milk about a half hour after feeding your baby and every half hour there after. The reason why I say this is because your body will produce the amount that your baby is taking. If you trick you body to think that your baby is feeding every half an hour, you will be producing an ample amount of milk to supply your baby and for storing. So, if you plan to breast feed exclusively, then you’ll want to store some milk for the sitter to use when you go out for the evening. You don’t want to have a time limit on when you have to return to feed your little one. I also use those stored bags of milk when I am out and about because I prefer not to breast feed in public, but that’s just my preference.

See also  Breastfeeding Myths: You Aren't What You Eat

Another way to increase your breast milk, if you started pumping months after the baby was born or if your milk has not come in yet, is by drinking herbal teas. The two that I found that work the best for me are by Yogi Tea: Woman’s Nursing Mom (Organic) and Traditional Medicinals: Organic Mother’s Milk. Both of these teas can be found at Whole Foods or Wild Oats markets. They are specifically for promoting healthy lactation. Although they have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration, they work for me and the many other moms that I know who use them. It doesn’t work instantly, but after drinking the teas for about 24 hours (about 6-8 cups); you’ll notice the increase in milk.

If you don’t want to drink the teas, another option is to take an herbal pill called Fenugreek seed. It can be found in the same isle that the teas are in and it works just like the teas. The one difference I found is that the pills make your body emit a black licorice type odor. For me, I didn’t mind it because it was helping me produce milk for my baby. I do have a couple of friends who refused to take because of the odor it gives you. I say, to each their own and what ever works for you, go with it.

I hope that you found these tips helpful!
