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Tips for Using White Sage Smudge Sticks to Cleanse Your Home

Metaphysical, Purification, Sage, Smudge

White sage is considered a sacred herb that is used for purification, mostly by the Native American community. However, this practice has made its way into other communities of various religious faiths and spiritual beliefs. (Source: Wikipedia)

In addition to being a purifier, white sage is can also be used for medicinal purposes for physical issues such as stomach problems, congestion, and sweating. White sage is also bundled into what is called ‘smudge sticks’ to be used for purification of one’s environment or home as a part of a ritual or a ceremony. (Source: Wikipedia)

I have been using white sage smudge sticks for the past four years in my apartment. It has a very potent smell to it when it is burned as the smoke disperses throughout the house.

While white sage is used mostly as a ritual herb, I use it any time I feel my apartment’s energy needs to be cleansed of any stagnation I may feel throughout my space. It’s sort of like every Spring we clean out old stuff we don’t use anymore as our ‘spring cleaning’ tradition or ritual as a way to renew the energy in our homes and to make room for new things to come in; I use white sage smudge sticks the same way, although more often than just annual seasonal cleaning.

I do like the idea of using white sage smudge sticks along with spring cleaning, since both are geared towards purification of one’s environment or home to help release old to bring in the new and to help clear stagnant energy, so that refreshing, free-flowing energy can take its place.

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White sage smudge sticks can be found at most natural and holistic stores that sell fresh and dried herbs and incense. Smudge sticks can also be found at metaphysical and new age shops around town. In addition, they can be purchased online as well from online metaphysical and new age stores.

Here are a few tips for using smudge sticks to cleanse your home:

Tip #1: Use a plate or a bowl to carry with the smudge stick to catch any ashes that may fall while carrying the sage throughout the home.

Tip #2: Do not leave a burning smudge stick unattended. In addition, be sure to extinguish it properly in a bowl of salt or sand when done with smudging.

Tip #3: Be sure to open a window to help the smoke evaporate properly so your home won’t be overwhelmed with smoke and set off the fire alarm. Most smudge sticks don’t put out enough smoke to do that, but it’s a good thing to do just to be on safe side.

I hope you decide to try out smudging your home with white sage stick, especially during your spring cleaning to help purify your environment and free the energy around you of any stagnation.