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Tips for the New Siberian Husky Owner

Huskies, Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky is a beautiful dog with some truly awesome talents. They are one of the smartest, strongest, and most determined breeds there are. However, if not properly managed these traits can also make them one of the most destructive breeds. As the owner of six Siberian Huskies, I’ve learned all the chaos they can cause as well as all the happiness they can give. So now I’m here to help you decide if it’s the breed for you and if so to give you a heads up on what to expect.


The single biggest challenge for any new husky owner is containment. My huskies have dug under the fence, climbed over the fence, rushed the fence, and ripped apart the fence all in the name of freedom. So here are some simple tips to nip these problems in the bud:

1. Have a professional build your fence: Many times have I tried to build a pen for my huskies and many times have they escaped. A professional can use a fence stretcher to pull the wire tight so the dogs can’t push their way under or over it. This may cost quite a bit more, but trust me its worth it, you do not want to try and chase down a Husky.

2. Stop the Digging: The most efficient way of doing this is to have your fence builder fun a single strand of barbed wire at the base of the fence. You might be hesitant about this because you don’t want your husky to get hurt on the wire, but don’t worry, your dog can tell the wire’s there and won’t mess with it. Alternatively, you could have concrete poured around the base of the fence, but this will get very expensive very quickly.

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3. Secure the bottom of the gate: If your gate is not on level ground, there may be gaps left around the bottom. Your husky will immediately locate these weak spots and try to dig through. To prevent this you should pour gravel or concrete around the bottom of the gate to keep the ground level, so that all parts of the gate touch the ground.

4. Use strong wire: Huskies can actually rip holes in a fence with their teeth if its not strong enough. The trick is to get either chain link or a heavy duty farm and ranch fence, NOT welded wire.

5. No flip latches: Huskies are extremely intelligent, and can actually learn to operate a simple flip latch. They will jump up on the gate and flip the latch with their snout. I know this is hard to believe but I have actually witnessed mine doing it. Its better to use an actual gate latch that snaps down on the gate when its closed.

6. Exercise: Huskies are very energetic, that’s why they want to escape, so they can dash around like maniacs. So if you give your husky a big enough enclosure or you walk them frequently they won’t try so hard to get out. I fenced off my entire seven acres of property for them to play in and that has significantly reduced their desire to escape.

Feel the Heat

Many new husky owners worry that because a husky is “snow dog”, that they won’t do well in warm weather. This is not really an issue as huskies will shed their winter coat in warmer weather. I live in Texas where it hits 95 degrees on the average summer day, and my huskies are gallivanting about like usual. You should, of course, take proper precautions for all dogs during extreme heat such as providing plenty of shade and cool water. I recommend buying a plastic kiddy pool from Wal-Mart and filling it up for your dog to play in.

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Stranger….. what Stranger?

There is not a vicious bone in a husky’s body. Due to their intimidating appearance, many people think they might make a good guard dog, but they couldn’t be more wrong. A Husky will treat a burglar, sneaking around in the middle of the night, with as much enthusiasm as they do you, when you come home from work. This may not make them suitable for guarding, however this does mean they’re good around kids or visitors.

Idle Paws are the Devil’s Advocate

You absolutely must supply your husky with a constant supply of chew toys or they will find their own, be it your furniture, your car, or even your house. If you keep your husky outdoors you need to cover up your lawn equipment, lock your tool shed, and make sure you leave nothing on the ground. The best thing you can do to prevent this behavior is to give them plenty of attention and exercise, and leave chew toys for when your not around, because you know what they say about “Idle Paws”.

A Hairy Situation

As I mentioned previously, Huskies will shed during the summer months. I suggest you brush him regularly during this time period, especially if he’s and indoor dog. Otherwise, you will begin to find big tufts of fur all over the place.

To sum it all up, huskies are a handful and they’re definitely not right for everyone, but if you can spend enough time with them and train them, you will see that they have amazing intelligence and a friendly and outgoing personality that will provide you with years of happiness.