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Tips for Getting Out of the Military

If you are reading this and are planning to get out of the military sometime in the next year, there may be some things that the people in your command do not tell you. It is not because they are insensitive to what will become your future needs; it’s just that they simply do not have the time. Unfortunately, there are many things that you have to find out for yourself. I got out of the Navy after serving two combat deployments and here are a couple of things that I have learned through experience may help ease the transition.

First thing you have to remember is that you are going through a major lifestyle change. Here you are one minute in a very regimented lifestyle and the next you are essentially on your own. People have often described it as like somebody getting out of prison and not knowing what to do. There will be nervousness for a little while. Surround yourself with people that care about you. Things that you didn’t even realize the military took care for you is now your responsibility.

One good tip for men and women leaving the military is join a veteran’s group. Signing up to be a member of the VFW or the American Legion may seem like an endeavor suited for those that were active duty decades ago. However, they will provide you with necessary information on everything to signing up for health care if you have a service related injury to helping you get a job. The groups are also filled with men and women that know exactly what you are going through and have been through the same. Mine them for information, they know what they are talking about.

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Save up your leave time. This is something I cannot stress enough. When I got out of the military, I was able to get out two months earlier than my contract stated because I had saved up enough leave time to go on what is commonly known as terminal leave. During such a period, you can do a great deal of important things such as finding housing or looking for a job. Trust me, I know from experience that it is far less difficult to look for a job when you have a steady paycheck coming in from the government than if you are scrambling looking for work.

Terminal leave also allows you to decompress just a little bit. Many getting out of the military leave after going through some kind of high stress situation. You will need that time to get back to being you again.

If you are unable to find work after your terminal leave expires and you are officially out of the military, you can often apply for unemployment compensation. Although it will likely not be as much as you were making while in the service, it serves as an excellent stopgap to give you extra time to find a job in those first few months out of active duty.

Those first few months out of active duty can be difficult on many levels. There may be things that you need to talk about that your family may not understand. Find your nearest Veterans Administration medical center and get enrolled in their system. Chances are, you may have a service connected medical issue that could affect you the rest of your life. Getting it taken care of as soon as possible is critical. Compensation claims going through the VA take a great deal of time to process, so it’s best to get something like that out of the way sooner rather than later.