Karla News

Tiffany Shepherd — Smokin’ Hot Teacher in Trouble


I am a retired teacher from Bunker Hill, Illinois. During my tenure, I have worked with students from 4th grade through high school. I began teaching in 1971 and retired in 2005. Over the years, I have witnessed many changes in board and parent expectations concerning teacher behavior. Many things are accepted now that weren’t when I first started teaching. In 1971, for example, women teachers still had to wear dresses since slacks were not allowed. Presently, teachers are also allowed to create classrooms that are more student-oriented rather that subject focused. Although change is necessary in order for schools to stay attuned to the needs of the community, remembering that teachers are professionals must continue to be a primary concern if we are to adequately monitor the welfare of our children.

Tiffany Shepherd was a biology teacher who was recently dismissed from her position at Port St. Lucie High School in Florida. There is disagreement as to why she was dismissed. Tiffany Shepherd claims that she was dismissed because of a part time job at Smokin’ Em Charters fishing tours where she worked in a revealing bikini. Shepherd stated that some workers removed their tops during the job, but she never did. Susan Renew, the district’s assistant superintendent of human resources says that Shepherd missed thirty days of school and had been warned that her continued absences would not be accepted. She claims that the school officials did not even realize that Ms Shepherd had the part time job with the charter company but did admit that suggestive online photos of the teacher would have conflicted with the district’s ethics policy.

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Although the evidence supports that Tiffany Shepherd was dismissed because of her attendance problems, one can’t help but speculate on whether a teacher should ever be dismissed because of behavior that takes place off the school grounds and after school hours. I personally believe that teachers do need to be aware of how their behavior will be perceived by the students. Teaching is a difficult job, and an effective teacher is a respected teacher.

Pictures of Ms Shepherd appeared on a website that had a disclaimer that the pictures should not

be viewed by children under eighteen. We all know that children under eighteen will have access to that site, probably without their parents’ permission. Any student who saw his/her teacher’s picture on a site like that would certainly come to school with a change in attitude about the person who was trying to teach school curriculum. I would imagine students would have many questions and comments to make, but very few of them would pertain to the lesson.

As a parent, I never felt I had the right to examine a teacher’s behavior unless it affected the welfare of my child. A teacher should enjoy a private life. I, as a parent, had no right to interfere with that privacy. However, if that life becomes public because of inappropriate behavior, I certainly have a right to be concerned. I would not want a teacher showing up at work drunk, on drugs, or in a bikini for that matter. I also feel that if they break laws concerning drinking and driving, taking or selling drugs, or sexual misconduct, in or outside the classroom, they should be dismissed.

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Unfortunately, when it comes to ethical behavior, however, the limits are not always clearly defined. My ethical ideals may be totally different from someone else’s, but we still have to have standards and expectations for teachers. I personally believe that Tiffany Shepherd should make a choice. If the need or desire for a higher salary makes taking a job that allows potential students to see her in sexually suggestive pictures, she should reconsider her decision to be a teacher. I don’t think she can expect her students or their parents to treat her professionally if they’ve seen sexually suggestive pictures of her on the internet. I also agree that school administrators should take a stand because her effectiveness in the classroom must have diminished.

Like it or not, teachers have a tremendous influence on our children. We should be wary of who we entrust with that responsibility. We should expect more from them. When a school district hires teachers, they should have the right to expect them to be positive role models. What’s wrong with expecting a teacher to behave professionally?

Cara Fitzpatrick “St. Lucie teacher: Bikini charter cost me my job” http://palmbeachpost.com