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The Top Ten Grossing Movies of 2009

It is that time of year again. That’s right. Time to start putting together lists of the year’s top ten this or that is Movies are no exception. This year in fact has seen the release of some great movies.

The tenth most watched movie of 2009 is Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. Ben Stiller stars as the lovable but overwhelmed security guard who has to maintain order in an unbelievably exciting Museum. This is a great sequel to the original Night at the Museum and obviously a lot of people agreed with me. The movie grossed over 175 million dollars in 2009.

The Ninth picture in the list is X-Men Origins: Wolverine. This movie is a sequel in the X-men series. It is an action packed spectacle for those of us who love comic book movies. It grossed just a hair under 180 million dollars in 2009. I highly recommend this movie to all who enjoy a good superhero movie.

The next movie in our list is another sequel. The list is full of them. Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs raked in almost 200 million dollars in 2009. They must be doing something right. They brought back the whole cast from the previous two Ice Age movies. This movie is fun for the whole family.

The seventh highest grossing movie is 2009 is Monsters v. Aliens. This is a great animated movie for kids starring Seth Rogan and Reese Witherspoon. My son raved about this movie for weeks. Plenty of other kids must have too. The movie grossed a whopping 200 million dollars this year.

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Number six on our list of high grossing movies is The Twilight Saga: New Moon, a very popular vampire movie and book series. You would have to live under a rock not to know what this movie is about. This sequel took in over 250 million dollars. Anne Rice must be furious. Her movies and books never had it so good.

Star Trek is the next highest grossing movie of 2009. The familiar franchise went with a prequel this time. I am not a rapid Star Trek fan but I loved the movie. It was a new look at some of my favorite characters. This movie brought in over 250 million dollars, a very good start for this revitalized franchise.

The Hangover is number four on our list of the highest grossing movies of 2009. One of the few non-sequels in our list, this is a hilarious movie. A group of guys have an unforgettable evening except there is one problem they can’t remember anything. The Hangover drew in over 275 million dollars in 2009.

The third highest grossing movie in 2009 is Up. The highest rated animated movie on our list brought in close to 300 million dollars. The movie is enormously popular. While doing research for this article I found Up listed as one 100 best movies of all time. This is a must see for anyone who considers himself a movie aficionado.

Number two on our list is Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. This is another film in the massively popular Harry Potter series. This is another movie and book series that if you know nothing about you probably have hidden in a cave for the last 10 years. Harry Potter brought in over 300 million dollars this time. I have to admit that even I have caught the Harry Potter fever. I love these movies. They are good fun for the whole family.

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The number one highest grossing movie of 2009 is Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. I, along with the rest of America, love this movie. This sequel was a step above the original. I totally understand why this movie brought in over 400 million dollars this year. This movie is fantastic. Hasbro should be proud of this franchise. I hope that the next Transformers movie is as good.

There you have it. Six sequels, one prequel and three spanking new movies make up the best of 2009. The best movies of 2009 are a pretty good bunch of movies. I think it shows that we are spending more time and emphasis on kids. Three of the ten are animated and a few of the others are definitely family type movies. Hangover is the only rated R movie on the list. Bravo America. Keep up the good work.


1. IMDB.com