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The Seven Best Disney Movies

Captain Hook, Disney Movies

I consider myself to be quite the movie buff. I like to think that I have pretty good taste in movies too. I like people who can actually act, foreign movies, musicals and even old black and white movies But even I enjoy a little fluff every once in a while. Not even I can resist a Disney movie. So here are my favorite Disney movies.

7. 101 Dalmatians
101 Dalmatians is also a very cute Disney movie. All the dogs have their own characters and are cute for different reasons. I love the whole chase scene where Cruella is searching for the dogs and they are getting away, it’s still pretty suspenseful even today. I’m not sure I buy the dogs-rolling-in-soot-escape though. “Oh look, there are 101 dogs! Oh wait, they’re black, not white with black spots. That must be some OTHER group of 101 dogs sneaking around the same night as the 101 dogs we’re looking for.

6. Beauty and the Beast
I guess Beauty and the Beast is really the only one of the Disney love stories that I liked. What can I say? The beast just wasn’t your ordinary prince. He wasn’t a sissy like those other Disney movie princes. I also really liked Gaston. They should’ve made a movie about Sebastian and Gaston going on a road trip. I totally would’ve bought that movie.

5. The Sword in the Stone
The Sword in the Stone rocked, I loved that crazy Merlin. Really the story with Arthur was kind of boring, well besides that whole sword thing. Merlin was the real star of the movie. Merlin’s showdown with the Marvelous Mad Madam Mim is one of the best Disney battles ever. The two fight but they are allowed to use their magic powers to turn into any kind of animal to fight as. It rocks!

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4. Lion King
Despite that unbearable Hakuna Matata song this was a rocking Disney movie. Actually that Circle of Life song annoys me and the other one, something about the jungle, is pretty bad too. Man who was in charge of the music in that movie? What was I talking about? Oh right, the Lion King. What’s not to like about the Lion King? It’s got an evil brother and he has a cool name, Scar! It’s got lions fighting each other. It’s even got a crazy ape that beats people over the head with sticks!

3. Peter Pan
Well duh! Of course Peter Pan is on the list, it has pirates! Not just a pirate either, Peter Pan has THE pirate, Captain Hook. Let’s all face it, for those of us who like pirates Captain Hook was probably the first one we knew. He’s the reason we became Pirates fans. I did like Peter Pan too. I can relate to someone who doesn’t want to grow up.

2. The Black Cauldron
The Black Cauldron is one Disney movie that not as many people are familiar with. I remember seeing The Black Cauldron in the theater when I was very young. That is a rare memory because I didn’t go movies at the theater much when I was young. The Black Cauldron was about a farmer boy who was told to protect his pig because it was oddly the source of great power. You gotta have some guts to write a story about a pig being the source of all power, not many people are going to believe that one. Of course there are some other fun characters in The Black Cauldron, and one not so fun character. The villain of the movie, the Horned King, was so scary to kids (including myself) that Disney pulled the movie from theaters early and didn’t even release it on VHS until fifteen years later.

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1. Robin Hood
Robin Hood might be the best hero of all time. Let’s count all the things he has going for him. Robin Hood is charitable. Robin Hood is an awesome archer. Robin Hood wears green. Robin Hood always gets the woman. Robin Hood looks good in a hat. Robin Hood has a funny sidekick. Robin Hood can outrun rhinos. Robin Hood can tie snakes in knots. Robin Hood is the master of disguises. Robin Hood is the greatest thing since sliced bread. No, I bet Robin Hood was the first person to slice bread.