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The Pros and Cons of Living in England

Living in England can be great for some people, so why do they want leave it all behind? Here are the advantages and disadvantages of living in England today.

Advantages of Living in London, England

There is a wealth of great entertainment in London. The theater world brings fantastic musicals and plays, so there is always a show to go and see in London.

London has some brilliant history, museums, art galleries, places of interest and shops to visit. There is always something to do in London, so you will never be bored.

If you work in Central London or in the city of London, then expect to earn top wages. The pay is reasonable, depending on what kind of employment you are in. Employment in London is far better than anywhere else in England, although the recession has dampened the work situation at present for anyone seeking employment today.

London brings many tourists of all countries visiting each year and most of them come to see Buckingham Palace. The Royal family gives London a great surge of prestige and history to its country, which makes it a great place to be proud to live in.

England has many great shopping malls, such as, Blue water and Lakeside. Shopping in London is unique and great too.

The education system is, also, good in England. It is one of the best in the world and it is free. If you are thinking of leaving the UK with the family, then think very seriously about taking your children out of school here to another country, especially if they are in their teens. It can seriously mess their education up. I know this from experience of living in another country.

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The NHS Health care is free in England, which is a great advantage for everyone living here. It is difficult to get this kind of health care anywhere else in the world, so leaving it behind to go to another country can be a serious disadvantage.

The one great thing about living in London or even anywhere in England is if you suddenly become unemployed. The government help all British people in this situation by paying them job seekers allowance whilst they are looking for employment. The Housing Department will, also, help families with their rent if needed. This is one thing you cannot rely on if you move to another country.

Another great advantage is that all British women can get childcare help in England, such as, Child Benefit and Child Tax Credits. For each child born, the Government will pay around £10 per week per child plus a monthly income of Child Tax Credits each month to every woman. This amount is dependent on the circumstances of that person i.e. whether they are employed or not and pay for childcare.

Also, the Government Housing Department help all homeless British people in England by paying and giving them somewhere to live. This is a great advantage. The Council have properties to put families into if needed.

One other interesting thing about living in England is watching television. Television is great in England. You can take up Sky television or Virgin Media Cable for an extra low rate charge. There is, also, Free-view television with all new High Definition televisions, which are being sold today in England. These televisions now have plenty of channels to watch for free included inside the televison when you buy it.

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Also, England has a lot to offer for ambitious young people. There are, at present, some brilliant Apprenticeships and courses for young people that want more for their education and work life today.

Disadvantages of Living in London, England

Some people do not like the crime in London, but wherever you live there will always be crime. Families worry about their children living and growing up in England. Some move out of London and go to the countryside or go abroad. Living in London is only great for ambitious and working adults.

There is always traffic and pollution in London. The pollution is a problem and most people move away from London, because they may have a health problem like asthma.

It is expensive to live in London or anywhere in England for that matter. There is a council tax charge to pay for all working citizens that live in England. The amount of this council tax depends on what band your home comes under. For instance, this will be cheaper if you live in an apartment/flat.

Renting a property in London will be very expensive. If wanting to live in London, then you will have to have a high paying job to be able to live on your own and combat living expenses. There are many bills to pay, such as, gas and electric, council tax, rent or mortgage and telephone expenses.

It is, also, very expensive to buy property in London. Property does not come cheap here and it is hard for a single person to be able to buy anything on their own unless they are earning a high salary or have a partner to share costs with.

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To own a car in England is expensive. Road Tax is very high compared to other countries abroad. Even fuel has gone up these days.

England is a cold country in the winter unlike other countries abroad. Summer is unpredictable and it can rain during summer season, although, it has become more rain free and hotter these days. This is one of the reasons why British people want to live abroad.


England has many advantages and disadvantages, so check everything out thoroughly before you decide to leave this country or if you want to come live here. It may not be suitable for everyone.