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The Ignorance of Prejudice and How to Overcome It


Prejudice is what is known as pre judging a person. Even after the years have passed, there are still people who seem to find themselves being prejudice or being the target of someone who is prejudice.

Overcoming prejudice can be done by a number of ways. A lot of times people have become to not like one race because of the way that they were raised or by the way that they have been treated by someone of this certain race.

1. Realize that we are all human Sometimes people tend to forget that we are all human and that our skin color or ethnic background does not play a part in the way that we are. Underneath our skin is just bones and organs just like any other person. Realizing that we are all human will help you to overcome prejudice.

2. Time has changed everythingHave you ever heard anyone say that time is of the essence? This means that we should live for today or do those things right now. Time has changed and with it so has the way that people thought. I will admit that with the terrorist that we have had to face, there have been a lot of incidences with prejudice and gang violence. There was a time when people looked down on those couples who where of a mixed race but the world has changed that most of the people do not think twice when they see a couple who are not of the same race.

3. Would you disown a family member if they were of a different race?This is an important question that you should answer. If you answered no, you are on the right track. There are a lot of families who are multiracial and it is a part of our everyday lives. If you answered yes, ask yourself why you feel this way. If you feel this way because you don’t believe that couples should have a multiracial child, doesn’t that child need to be loved also? I have heard a lot of people say that children should not be put through a life where they will be made fun of because they are multiracial. I have come to the conclusion that people and especially children, can be cruel about anything. Being multiracial no longer plays a role in what you will be made fun of, you can be made fun of for anything. Try to not use this as an excuse.

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4. Make friends with people of different racesMaking friends with people of different ethnic backgrounds will help to show you that they can be just as friendly as you. Some people laugh when they hear others say that they have a certain number of friends from an ethnic background, this is not a laughing matter. Having a certain number of friends from one race does not mean that you are prejudice. This could mean that they are not very sociable or it could mean exactly what some people think.
5. How do you want to be treated?

The reason that this is even asked is because you could have been born from a different ethnic group and it isn’t right to say that you can treat someone differently because they are from a different ethnic group. Before you act or do something to someone, you should always think about how you would feel if someone treated you like that.