Karla News

The Huffy Blackwater Mountain Bike: An Escape from the Drudgery of Society


Let’s face the facts. There are few if any people out there that cannot use some form of release from the pressures of life. Careers can be time consuming: absorbing and frying ones mental energies into a protoplasmic lump. By the end of an exhausting week, there is little that I want to do in the way of thinking or answering repetitive questions. For those that do not know, my job consists mainly of expounding knowledge onto the future young minds in our society. I am a teacher and proud of it. But when the weekend cometh (how Shakespearean of me), my physical energies are pent up, yearning for some sort of outlet: and that is when my gaze falls on my Huffy Blackwater Mountain Bike.

Cycling is my outlet away from the hassles of ordinary life. I have had this bike since high school and it has never let me down. It surprised me on my 16th birthday, propped up in my brothers’ downstairs bedroom, glistening like a promise and has beckoned to me ever since. Never a gear or spoke out of place, I have tested this leisurely form of transportation to the point of my own physical exhaustion. It says a lot about the Huffy Corporation who put out this fine product and continues to do so. At the risk of sounding like a cheesy sales pitch: This is the bicycle to own if you wish for longevity.

The beauty part about it is the Huffy Blackwater Mountain Bike serves almost as an ATV. Indeed, it can take the rough and tumble of mountainous terrain when necessary. It glides easily, almost like a ten speed bike on even stretches of road when put in proper gear. The brakes respond quite abruptly; it is one of the few things I would actually change. Many a time I have almost flown over the handlebars (which, in its own way, would be fun for at least a couple of seconds!). It splashes through puddles with little trouble; the friction from the tires making it very difficult to experience road rash. The weight will definitely not hinder you, but for the price, do not expect a bike you can lift with your pinky finger. This is certainly not a professional mountain bike, but one for the semi-serious venturer who enjoys a quality ride.

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Would I die without it? Well, probably not. My physical exertions would find another escape, giving my weary mind a rest. I can always take up jogging or running head-first into walls (which, I must assume, some people do in the area I live. Trust me on this, it would explain the odd shrieking noises in the middle of the night coming from a street or two from where I live). As an alternative, I could also consider gaining 300 pounds and resort to sitting in front of the television with a bag of Frito Lay Potato Chips in my lap. However, the “fun factor” would not be prevalent in my new rotund form of existence. And isn’t that what its all about during the weekend? At least, one may assume, until I have even more responsibility in the future: Children. And for that, I am quite sure Huffy also has some well-made and hearty tricycles in stock.