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The HPV Organism and the Different Types of Warts it Causes

Hpv Virus, Plantar Warts, Warts

When you were a playful little kid, you must have been warned by your mom not to play with, or touch, a toad lest you get warts. Warts are small callous protuberance caused by the human papillomavirus, or HPV, organism which is known to be moderately contagious. Warts develop most commonly in children, but it can also manifest in people of all ages.

The toad thing is only a myth though. The fact is that one gets warts by means of physical contact with another person who may have already contracted the contagious HPV virus. Public facilities, such as toilets, swimming pool platforms, and shower compartments, are also possible sources of the HPV virus. The virus generally penetrates the skin through an abraded area or a gash. It can then take as long as six months for the virus to develop into warts. In some cases, the virus can remain inactive for several years.

There are at least five known types of warts that are caused by the HPV organism. First on the list are the common warts. This type is coarse and irregular in form and often appears on areas that are most vulnerable to injuries. These areas include the hands, knees, and face. Next are the filiform warts. These are fingerlike protrusions that are common in people aged 40 and over. They usually appear on the neck, face, and armpits.

Third on the list are flat warts. These deformities are smaller and less rough than the common warts. They develop in aggregates of as much as a hundred, usually on the face and legs. Plantar warts come next. These are callus-like protrusions that show up on the sole of the foot. The pain they cause can be exceedingly unbearable.

See also  What Exactly Causes Warts?

Last on the list, and perhaps the worst of all the types, are the genital warts. These warts are characterized by an abnormal proliferation of tissue that appear pinkish and look much like flower clusters. Because these warts can be transmitted through sexual contact, they normally turn up on the genitals of both men and women. What makes these warts different from the other types is that once they manifest themselves, immediate medical treatment is a must. In fact, in certain cases in some women, these warts were found to be forerunners of cervical cancer.

There has been no satisfactory explanation as to why warts develop in some people but never in others. What’s good to note is that most warts have no significant effect on health and that they usually vanish without the need for any treatment. But for those who want to get rid of these ugly protrusions fast, they can try an over-the-counter medication such as salicylic acid, or a prescription drug such as podophyllum. Remember though that the latter must be applied only by a physician.

Other methods for removing warts are surgical scraping and pulsed-dye laser, which is considered to be the most effective treatment for recurring cases.