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The Ghost Hunter’s Tool Box

Electromagnetic Field, Evps, Ghost Hunting

The Beginner

A beginner’s ghost hunting tool box is very basic. Because ghost hunting takes time and practice to learn how to use all the new technological equipment, many people start off with the bare minimum tools.

The most important tool and ghost hunter needs to have is a pencil and paper.Documenting throughout the investigation will help you decide if there was really any paranormal activity. Write down any new “feelings” you or your team member might experience. Sounds that you hear are important to document. Anything out of the ordinary should be written down.

A cheap compass bought in any camping department will work as an EMF detector. Most ghost hunters believe that when a ghost starts to manifest, it manipulates the surrounding natural electromagnetic field. The compass hand will spin around in circles if you are experiencing paranormal activity.

These are the most basic tools for a beginner. A keen eye and good documentation will help you determine if you are experiencing natural or paranormal phenomenon.

The Amateur

The amateur has a little more experience in the field than the person who is just starting out. They have been on several investigations with other experienced ghost hunters. They have obtained the basic knowledge equipment use.

The amateur’s ghost hunting tool box is equipped with the same paper, pencil and compass as the beginner’s, but has now invested in an electronic EMF detector. The electronic detector has lights that signal fluctuations in the area’s magnetic field. The gauge also helps to determine a base range for the area.

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Many amateurs purchase audio devices now. Digital recorders or cassette recorders with an external microphone can both be used to catch EVPs, electronic voice phenomenon.Digital is best because it is less likely to pick up background noise and static. The other positive for using a digital recorder is that it is easily uploaded to your computer for analysis. If you do chose to use a cassette recorder it must have an external microphone or it will pick up the noise from the internal moving parts of the machine.

Amateurs are usually still learning the “ropes” of ghost hunting. On most investigations, they are accompanied by an experienced ghost hunter.

The Pro

The Pro is an experienced ghost hunter. They have been on many investigations and have even conducted their own ghost hunts. Their tool box is equipped with a wide range of equipment. They have the basic tools of the beginner and the amateur, but now have added digital and 35mm cameras to their toolbox. Many ghost hunters believe that the 35mm camera is the best tool in catching true paranormal photography. Most digital cameras fill in color absent pixels to complete the image. This can led to phenomenon being covered up or mistaken. Usually the Pro leads the investigation and chooses the sites. They do most of the back ground research and pre-survey of the area.
