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The First Steps Toward Your Modeling Career


You’ve entertained yourself with the idea that you would like to pursue a career in the modeling industry, but how do you get started? The first thing you want to do is to make sure the modeling industry is suited for you. Not everyone can be a model. You have got to have a look that is marketable and suitable to the industry. The basic standards for a model are to be tall and thin. Another issue to consider is why you want to be a model? Is it for fame? Is it to hang out with the elite crowd? Is it the money? Regardless of what your reason is, you must use this reason to motivate yourself when the going gets rough. The modeling industry can be harsh and can be tough to get started in. The following will help you on your path down the runway.

The next question is to ask what type of modeling you wish to pursue. There are basically three types of modeling: fashion, commercial, and specialty. Fashion modeling is modeling to sell clothing. You may find yourself to be a runway model. The standards for being a fashion model are very strict and generally you must be over 5’8″ tall and be of a very thin build. Commercial modeling is used more for commercial items, such as cars, hair products, household items, or even food or alcoholic beverages. The requirements of being a model in the commercial industry is much less strict and models of every shape and size are represented. Specialty models, more or less, offer something unique to the modeling industry. It may be a very muscular physique that is used for a weightlifting advertisement or if you have beautiful hands, you may be a hand model to help sell diamond rings.

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Once you’ve decided on the type of modeling you want to do, the first thing you should do before you look for an agency is to have a portfolio done of yourself. You do not need to go out and spend thousands of dollars on this. All you need are clear pictures of your face and your body. Having a professional is highly recommended for this photo shoot, however, you should be able to have this done fairly cheaply and you should bring about five changes of clothing to show your versatility. You might want to even look for test photographers in the area. They are working toward building their careers, as well, so they may do your shoot for free, in exchange for being allowed to use the photographs in their own portfolio. Your starting portfolio should include at least eight 9″ x 12″ photographs of yourself in a variety of poses. You can buy an actual portfolio to keep these photographs in at almost any art supply store. Remember, that as you have more photographs taken of yourself, you will constantly be changing the photographs in your portfolio.

Now that your photographs have been taken, you can start to look for an agency to represent you. There are many agencies to choose from and you are best to do your research before making any decisions. Call of the top agencies and ask if they plan on having any open calls in the near future. An open call is when they open their doors and allow potential models to visit them. Once they call your name, it generally takes them less than 30 seconds to decide if you have what they’re looking for. While this may seem tough, it is part of the business. If they do not plan on having any open calls, ask for an appointment with them or mail them your photograph with your contact information. The important thing is to get your foot in the door so they can see you in person and see all that you have to offer. Another option for you to get in to see more than one agency at a time is to attend a modeling convention. The fees to take part in these are very high, however, and if just starting out, you may want to try to find an agency on your own first.

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Once an agent is willing to take you on as a client, don’t jump to accept the offer until you’ve interviewed them. Ask them several questions, such as what have they done for previous clients, who are their top clients, what would their goals be for you, and what to they expect to realistically do for your career. Once you’ve interviewed a few agencies, through your careful research, you should be able to make an informed decision on the route you should take.

The important thing to remember when pursuing a modeling career is that you must get used to rejection and criticism if you are going to be successful. The industry is tough and if you don’t take rejection well, it’s going to be even tougher.