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The Difference Between Bratz and Barbies

Barbie Dolls, Bratz, Bratz Dolls, Creative Gifts, Edgy

Most young girls have a strong preference for either the Bratz dolls or the Barbie dolls. For most girls, it’s either one or the other. Of course, like all things young and girly, that preference can change suddenly, without warning, and without your enthusiastic approval.

Barbie Dolls

Barbie is a relatively safe fashion icon. She’s been around for decades, has many fabulous outfits, a spirit of independence, multiple careers and even grew a thicker waistline. Not only is she extremely fashionable, she’s also intelligent and self-sufficient – how else would she become Doctor Barbie and survive on her own after the famous break-up with Ken.

Most parents approve of Barbie dolls and encourage their daughters to play with them. Girls can dress up the dolls, use them in various games, and once your child is hooked on Barbie, Christmas and birthdays are covered as far as creative gifts are concerned. There are countless Barbie accessories.

A few decades ago some might not have agreed, but by today’s standards Barbie is fresh, youthful and wholesome. Many parents don’t feel the same to be true of the new fashion doll alternative – Bratz games. These dolls are young fashionistas, but they are a bit too edgy for most parents’ discerning taste.

Bratz Dolls

The Bratz Dolls burst onto the fashion game scene in a big way a few years ago. They were created by a former employee of Mattel who knew a bit about fashion dolls, but that is where the similarity to Barbie stops.

The Bratz are younger than Barbie. They are edgy, urban and very sultry with wide pouting lips and big beautiful eyes. For parents comfortable with Barbie dolls, a Bratz doll in a mini skirt, combat boots and revealing shirt is a bit too much to take at times. But girls love them.

See also  Barbie Dolls Vs. Bratz Dolls

Where Barbie satisfies the “good girl” within, Bratz can be the more stubborn and possibly obnoxious self ready to come out. Barbie had her share of controversy years ago, and now Bratz games are taking over the spotlight on edgy doll with too much sex appeal.

And there is sex appeal. Bratz are hard to describe as wholesome with their characteristic bedroom eyes and risqué wardrobe. But for the most part this hasn’t stopped parents from purchasing the Bratz game collections for their children.

Trying Out Bratz

If your child is starting to get an itch for something a bit trendier than Barbie, but you’re not sure how you feel about the Bratz games, you can easily experience much of what the Bratz have to offer by going online. After taking a tour down the formerly pink aisle of the toy store, head to an online Bratz game to see these girls in action. Then you and your daughter can decide if she’s ready to take on the world of Bratz.