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The Definitive Guide to Female Celtic Music Artists

Arthurian Legends, Loreena Mckennitt

Although music connoisseurs come in all genres, those who appreciate feminine voiced, Celtic-style music often have a difficult time finding quality artists to choose from. This article is a comprehensive guide to the greatest Celtic music artists and will, no doubt, aid any music lover craving new discoveries. Without further ado, below is a list of five of the most prevalent and well-respected musical artists in this specific genre.

1) Loreena Mckennitt

Mckennitt is undeniably one of the best known and most established modern music artists, and for good reason. Her vocals in titles such as “The Mummer’s Dance” and “The Old Ways” evoke a sense of nostalgia for a simpler and more chivalry-based time period. Mixed in with a bit of Native American and Middle Eastern influences, Mckennitt’s esteemed music is mostly about the lives of people who lived long ago, put into songs that would soothe even the most troubled mind.

2) Heather Dale

Although she is much lesser known than the previous woman on the list, Heather Dale is very well-respected in the Celtic music genre and has an established following. Hailing from Canada, the majority of Dale’s music revolves around the Arthurian Legends with just a few songs that stray toward other historical eras. One of her most popular songs is known as “Mordred’s Lullaby.” This song tells the story of the legendary witch Morgana le Fay and her son Mordred. If one is an Arthurian or Medieval buff, Heather Dale is the perfect artist to discover.

3) Celtic Woman

The name of this particular artist almost makes her a no-brainer for inclusion in the list. Music fans everywhere have heard of this formidable band. Several of the songs that Celtic Woman performs are covers or remakes, but all the same, she manages to put a good spin on her own version. One of her most popular songs is “The Voice.” It is certainly one of the most powerful. This particular musical artist is highly recommended for all those who are just beginning their discovery of the Celtic music genre.

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4) Blackmore’s Night

Although this band could arguably be considered a mix between folk and Celtic, it would undeniably appeal to fans all the same. Songs titled “Sister Gypsy” and “Faerie Queen” guarantee that there’s almost a whimsical feel to the music itself. Utilizing instruments such as the tambourine and the mandolin, among several others, this band gives a unique and often upbeat taste to its faithful listeners.

5) Enya

Even those who are not hardcore music fans have heard of Enya, the most explosively famous artist this particular genre has ever seen. Even the least musically inclined people often admit that Enya’s voice sounds eerily like an angel plummeted down to Earth. Her songs “Wild Child” and “May It Be” are among her most wildly popular, but if one searches, he or she will find an even larger assortment of her work just waiting to be discovered. She is one of the most highly respected music artists internationally, not only for her genre but for music itself.

The five Celtic music artists listed above will undoubtedly aid any aspiring music connoisseur in his or her journey to discover new music. It is the sincerest hope of the author that each one of these musical artists is given a chance, considering the enormous talent pool that exists among each of them.