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The 1986 Movie Quicksilver Shows Off a Younger Kevin Bacon!


Everyone knows Kevin Bacon from all his movies, as well as the “six degrees of Kevin Bacon” which says you can link any actor back to Kevin Bacon if you try hard enough. So with his massive popularity, I was amazed to find this movie I had never heard of! I saw it was On Demand so I had to check it out. An 80s movie starring Kevin Bacon? What more could I want.

Minor Plot Details
Jack Casey starts out the movie as a young kid who’s a pro at the Stock Market. However he made a bad call and ended up losing all his and his parents money and leaving his job. Now the Kevin Bacon I know finally comes out! His hair grows long and he gets rid of that ugly mustache. What’s an ex-stock broker to do with himself? How bout ride a bike! And that, my friends, is what this movie is all about. Jack Casey joins a bike riding delivery company, makes various friends, finds a crush, and tries to get back on track with his life. Can he do it? Or will he be riding this bike forever? And there’s more to it than that. Don’t forget this movie is classified as Drama/Crime/Romance/Thriller… so you know something’s coming. You’ll just have to wait and see!!

Kevin Bacon …. Jack Casey … I didn’t even recognize Kevin at first but he is in the very first scene of the movie. Wow, he sure looks young. This is obviously one of his lesser known films since even the big Kevin Bacon fans I know hadn’t heard of it. Although he starts off kind of different, the Kevin Bacon personality we are all used to eventually comes out and gave us a great character to follow.

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Jami Gertz …. Terri … Holy crap, it’s the girl from the tv show Still Standing. She joins the biking company shortly after Jack does. She’s got a tough exterior but can Jack break through her hard shell? They had her play a tough girl which is really how I see her on Still Standing so it’s a good fit for the part.

Paul Rodriguez …. Hector Rodriguez … He’s is in charge of all the bikers. Nothing real special here, he’s just kind of there. The only aspect of his character that matters is that he is trying to make something of himself outside of just being a biker. Can he do it?

The rest of the bikers and workers all have their own unique personalities and nicknames and all. Here you’ll find a whole bunch of well known actors such as Louie Anderson, Laurence Fishburne, David Harris (I) and Charles McCaughan. This crew will add to the film in various ways including humor, lessons, and just completing the “team” at Quicksilver.

We really are in the 80s!
Considering how much I love 80s movies, I was surprised I hadn’t seen this before. The music, the clothes, the HAIR, everything you love about the 80s. I think I might even buy the soundtrack 😀 We even get to see a chick in a leotard and leg warmers. Before the end of this movie you will feel like you’ve flashbacked to the 80s, I guarantee it. That is what made the movie a really good watch for me 🙂 The 80s themes of friendship, competition, teamwork, showing off on your bike and DANCE are all readily apparent.

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So, besides the whole 80s thing, did I like it?
At first this seems like a fun 80s romp, and at first it is! Then the “drama/crime/thriller” part starts to kick in. Laurence Fishburne’s character has gotten in with the wrong crowd and it looks like the entire quicksilver team will have to deal with it. But for a movie classified as Drama/Crime, it sure takes awhile to get there. We see a little bit of this about 20 minutes in, but it doesn’t really kick into gear until about 45 mins. This made the movie kind of slow for me because I knew something was going to happen, but it just wasn’t happening yet!

However once it did kick in, it was interesting and unpredictable (for me at least!) I enjoy the whole theme of Kevin trying to solve a crime, and for once Kevin Bacon isn’t playing the criminal. I really didn’t know what the bad guy was up to, and I couldn’t wait to find out. Even so, there was really not a lot of action in the film. Instead there was a lot of “maybe something will happen…. now… or not… or maybe something will happen… now!” There was a lot of build up throughout, but it was still worth it to watch this 80s drama. A lot of the movie is more about Jack and his various feelings he has to work through, and relationships he may or may not be having, and friends he may or may not be able to help, instead of being about the crime!

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So basically, if you enjoy a good old fashioned 80s movie, and aren’t looking for a huge thriller, then you’ve come to the right place! There is some drama, there is some crime, there’s plenty of 80s music and there is some Kevin Bacon.. what more could you ask for 🙂 Enjoy!!

Note: there’s mild swearing and stuff that was acceptable in the 80s may not be now! It’s not too bad, I just heard a few words thrown in there and was surprised b/c the movie is only rated PG.
