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Ten Signs You’re a Self-Help Junkie


The danger isn’t in the quality, it’s the quantity and continuous use that will have you hooked. Those endless shelves of books about weight loss, fixing your marriage, cooking like a chef, or launching your career have probably given you some valuable life lessons, but when you start applying any and all of them to your personal life without a second thought, you could be setting yourself up for failure.

Self-help books are a multi-million dollar market, offering advice and tips for life’s tumultuous journey. From psychology to physical fitness, you’ll find a guru in almost every topic; if they’re in the media at the moment, you’ll find even more opportunities to stay tuned in. Talk shows, radio hosts, and websites devoted to fans have become a natural choice for both entertainment and personal advice. If you’re starting to apply one too many principles from Oprah and Dr. Phil your personal life, chances are you’ve fallen into the trap. Here are ten signs you’ve become a self help junkie:

1. Your home library consists of self coaching, goal setting, the latest I-Ching tutorial, and the South Beach diet. You’re committed to enhancing your life with at least one chapter per day.

2. Your idea of a vacation is attending the next self-help seminar in another state; you’ve been on more personal development seminars than office meetings

3. You read at least 2-3 self-help books per week, and hope to add more to your collection

4. If you miss an episode of Dr. Phil, you get a copy of the script online

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5. Your solution to any problem involves a trip to Barnes & Noble for some ‘expert’ advice on the subject

6. Your spare time is filled with taking quizzes, writing in a journal, or practicing the latest daily mantra

7. You think reading relationship books will improve your life. Just one more tip from the date doctor is all you need to find your soulmate!

8. You get an emotional high from reading other people’s stories and experiences.

9. Even though your days are filled with positive quotes and how-to guides on just about everything, you draw a blank when it comes to practical application-you would rather read something than actually do it.

10. You truly believe the next book, seminar, workshop, or motivational speaker will give you the answer to your problems; and then your life can start.

The key indicator of self-help overload: no signs of change. If you’re truly committed to changing your life, a book or seminar isn’t going to help you take action! These media-driven tools might motivate you, or even get you excited about an idea-many will have you sign up for the next series. At the end of the day, you’re still left with a personal decision-do you have the courage to change your life? When you’re a self-help junkie, the answer is a definite ‘no’; you’ll simply buy the next book to find out why. Learning how to change your life, instead of putting it on hold and waiting for someone or something else to change it for you, will be your most cherished asset; it’s also free of charge!