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TaylorMade R7 SuperQuad TP Review

Finally, a 460cc. Driver with 4 adjustable weights. After only offering 3 in its previous models, the new R7 SuperQuad TP gives us tech geeks what they’ve been waiting for. More options!

The idea behind the Adjustable Weight Technology is nothing new. TaylorMade came out with the idea in 2003 and it has been a huge hit with Pros and Armatures alike. I recently did a review on adjustable weight drivers, but wanted to spend a little more time reviewing my favorite one of them all!

The new SuperQuad TP (Tour Preferred) has a sleek black finish to its 460cc head. The 1* open face angle sets up very nice and is pleasing to the eyes of the better player who likes to be able to fully release the club without fear of hitting it left. The black head also gives the appearance of even more loft when you set the club behind the ball, which also adds to confidence.

Obviously the main benefit to this club is not only the new technology in the head itself, and its face material, but the ability to shape your shots on the course before you even put a tee in the ground. The R7 Superquad comes with 6 weights, 2-12 gram and 2-1 gram 1-14 gram and -10 gram weights that you can change to adjust the ball flight high, low, fade or draw. More weights are available through a separate kit that TaylorMade offers. The higher center of gravity in the club also makes this very easy for the better player to work the ball.

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When I first set the club down I was very impressed. It does not have an odd shape like a lot of the new drivers have and looked very good sitting behind the ball with its open face. It is more round than pear shaped, and testing a 44.5″ TP Stiff shaft felt just right in my hands. I took a few shots with the weights at their factory neutral position and was bombing it right from the start. The sound, feel and ball fight of this club are amazing. I had to see more!

I moved the heavier weight towards the toe area, trying to give myself a little fade without actually setting up for one. What I found was a slight fade, maybe 5 yards, but when I set up for the shot, it really took off! I hit a nice high cut about 15 yards, then the same when I moved the weight towards the heel for a draw! I am sold! This is one great club, but what’s the catch? Well, other than it $700 price tag, not much. You need to remember that during a round of golf you cannot move the weights to shape each hole. You should take a look at the scorecard of a new course before you go out and see if you will need to hit more draws or fades with the club first. You can also set it up for more or less carry depending on conditions.

Overall this club is by far an A+!! There are a number of loft and shaft options to fit the better player, and despite its high price tag, it is well worth the money for those of us who like to shape the ball, and for those of us who just like to tinker with equipment!

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Check out my review of the standard SuperQuad!!!