Articles for tag: Allergy Medicine, Allergy Relief, Claritin, Pseudoephedrine, Zyrtec

Karla News

Ways to Save: Generic Allergy Medicine

I am a long-time summer allergy sufferer. Even stepping outside my door on a lovely summer morning results in sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, and a quick dash back indoors where my allergies aren’t as bad. Anybody who suffers from allergies knows the misery it can be when you don’t have proper medicine for it. ...

Treating My Severe Allergies With Natural Antihistamines

I suffer from severe indoor and outdoor allergies daily, but I do not use pharmaceutical or drug store brand allergy medications to help treat and relieve my allergies. Instead, I use a combination of natural herbal remedies and supplements that act as natural antihistamines that help treat and relieve my allergies naturally and I will ...

Mold Allergies and Symptoms

Allergies to various forms of mold are both common and manageable with medication. Mold grows inside dwellings and in the great outdoors at nearly every geographic area in the United States. The ever-present nature of mold facilitates an allergic reaction to a vast number of adults and children. Mold is a variety of fungus, which ...