Articles for tag: The Prestige, Ziggy Stardust

Karla News

The Prestige: A Mystical Story of Betrayal, Revenge and Morality

The first thing that crossed my mind when I saw this film was, albeit it looked quite amazing, I couldn’t quite get over the fact of Christian Bale starring. I’m not a big fan of him, quite disappointed with his roles in previous films like American Psycho and Reign of Fire, although I was, admittedly, ...

Karla News

Top Ten Songs by Queen/Freddie Mercury

We are exposed to its work whenever we change a channel. You cheer to its anthems while attending raucous sporting events. In almost every auditory facet, the work of Queen has become easily recognizable to all. Throughout the annals of rock music history, no front man ever brought entire stadiums to their collective knees in ...

Karla News

David Bowie Quotes (From Song Lyrics)

  David Bowie is a musical legend, producing and collaborating on over 23 albums. Here is a list of my favorite quotations from the artist’s song lyrics. Enjoy! *** “Let the wind blow through your hair, be nice to the big blue sea Don’t be afraid of the man in the moon, because it’s only ...

Karla News

Song Titles Featuring the Word Star

I was browsing through the discount CDs at a local department store, hoping to find something to satisfy my recent bout with nostalgia. Most of the 60s and 70s CDs available were ones that I had already purchased over the years. I was surprised to see several of them, having been albums that sold millions ...