Articles for tag: Emergency Medicine, Ganglion Cyst, Wrist Pain

Ganglion Cysts & Wrist Pain

Do you have recurring pain in your hand or wrist? Did you assume it was carpal tunnel syndrome or some form of tendinitis? In fact, it could likely be a ganglion cyst in your wrist joint–an affliction that’s more common than you might think. For me, it took over 10 years of on-and-off pain until ...

Karla News

A Writer’s Guide to Preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Whether you write in long hand, or do most of your writing at the computer, carpal tunnel syndrome is a risk for anyone who spends a lot of their time writing. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that can result when you perform the same action repeatedly. And, if you write a lot, whether professionally ...

Karla News

The Costs of Becoming a Dog Groomer

Thinking of becoming a dog groomer? While it seems like, and is for the most part a fun career, there are quite a few expenses involved in starting out in the business. There are tools to buy, business expenses and even a physical price to pay. I learned the last one the hard way. Before ...

Karla News

How to Buy and Use Boxing Hand Wraps

Hand wraps are an indispensible piece of boxing and martial arts equipment. Any boxer or martial artist who uses a heavy bag or trains with a sparring partner needs to wrap the hands to reduce overuse injuries and prevent sprains or fractures of the delicate bones in the hand and wrist. Wearing bag gloves while ...

The Scaphoid “Snuffbox”: Diagnosing Wrist Fracture

Each year, millions of dollars are spent on the medical treatment of pain associated with wrist injuries. While many adults are diagnosed with wrist sprain and strains, some are diagnosed with repetitive trauma injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. For some adults, however, the associated wrist pain may be the result of a fracture in ...

Karla News

Random Orbit Sanders VS. Palm Sanders: Power Tool Comparison

In the tool department of home improvement stores, you’ll find a vast array of sanders at a vast array of prices. While belt sanders are larger and more expensive, you can also find two products that look very similar, random orbit sanders and palm, or finish, sanders. Their prices are similar, but there are some ...

Living with a Minor Brain Injury

I was very fortunate. The accident that caused my brain injury wreaked damage that even I consider to be relatively minor. That’s saying a lot. It is very hard for anyone with brain injury related cognitive impairment to view their situation as anything less than devastating, but I am working on an objective view of ...

Ganglion Cyst Pain Exercises

These ganglion cyst pain exercises are very simple. Do you have wrist pain? You may have a ganglion cyst, and I have exercises to relieve ganglion cyst pain. These ganglion cyst exercises should be done two to three times every day. I’m a fitness trainer with a ganglion cyst in my wrist, so I know ...