Articles for tag: Feminist Movement, Women in Literature

Karla News

How Feminism Transformed Advertising

It is impossible to deny the vast differences between ads in the 1950s and those of today, especially with respect to women. An industry once plagued with ads portraying the stereotypical domestic woman has evolved into one that evokes imagery of the strong, independent, intelligent woman. Arguably, the development of feminism from the 1920s through ...

Karla News

A Biography of Giovanni Boccaccio

Before William Shakespeare and Geoffrey Chaucer, there was the man who both inspired and influenced much of their work: Giovanni Boccaccio. Boccaccio composed ground-breaking literary works during his lifetime that built the foundation for literature today. His poems and epics written in Italian and Latin became classics that would endure for hundreds of years and ...

Karla News

A History of American Feminism

The history of feminism is divided into three waves: the first wave spanned from late nineteenth century to early twentieth century, the second was in the 60’s and 70’s, ant the third began in the 90’s and extends to the present day. The first wave began in the nineteenth century. It was a time when ...

Karla News

Feminist Criticism to the The Awakening

According to the class handout, An Informal Literary Theory Checklist, Feminist Criticism concentrates on the following themes: women’s political and literary rights; empowerment; equality; women’s unconscious selves; and finally the throwing off of the patriarchal repression and oppression (3). Kate Chopin wrote “The Awakening,” to show people of the nineteenth century society and the future ...

Karla News

Ibsen’s Women: Feminism or Realism?

The roles of women have been a big part of literature and are usually a representation of how the roles of women in real life have evolved. Henrik Ibsen’s “Hedda Gabler” and “A Doll’s House” are considered by many to be representations of the issues women faced in the 19th century. During the 1800s, women ...