Articles for tag: Don Giovanni, Mike Powers, Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Karla News

Amadeus (Movie Review)

Through the dark, blizzard-swept streets of early nineteenth century Vienna, the plaintive cry of a tortured soul pierces the snow-riven night: “Mozart! Mozart! Forgive your assassin, Mozart! I confess I killed you!” Forgive me, Mozart!” …And thus begins the movie Amadeus, one of the most honored films of all times. Winner of 8 Academy Awards, ...

Karla News

Amadeus 1984 Movie Review

Amadeus is a biographical film about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. It came out in 1984. The movie is 160 minutes and is rated PG. Antonio Salieri was played by F. Murray Abraham. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was played by Tom Hulce. Constante Mozart was played by Elizabeth Berridge. Leopold Mozart was played by Roy Dotrice. The film ...

Karla News

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in the Classical Period

The music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) spans the years of musical Classicism. He was born when the new eclectic art was at the beginning of its prominence. His music was a true synthesis of styles, at a time of unique equilibrium between the invention and fulfillment of musical forms. During this period, Mozart completed ...

Karla News

The Classical and Romantic Eras in Music History

The 18th century brought with it a revolution in thought and art. For the first time in history there had arisen a middle class audience for serious music who could understand and appreciate the differences between high art and the lower kind of popular entertainment which had traditionally been enjoyed by those not part of ...