Articles for tag: Attracting Birds, Backyard Birds, Wild Birds

Karla News

A Beginner’s Guide to Suet Feeders for Wild Birds

Contrary to popular belief, not all birds will flock to a bird feeder filled with bird seed. Some birds, such as Mockingbirds, Orioles, Nuthatches, Wrens, Warblers, Woodpeckers and Chickadees, are insect eating birds. These birds are much more likely to make a home in your backyard if you provide them with suet feeders. Suet is ...

Karla News

“Decoy”: Origin and Meanings of the Word

Most people know that the word decoy generally means a lure of some kind. But its origin and extended meanings have some surprises. Decoy entered the English language in the early 17th century. It comes from Dutch de kooi, literally “the cage,” with kooi based on Latin cavea (“cage”). The original meaning of decoy was ...

Karla News

Photographing Birds in Germany

When I got my digital camera a year ago, I vowed to carry it with me wherever I went. If a UFO flew overhead, I’d immortalize it. If a sea monster rose out of a lake, I’d capture it on computer. If a bank robbery occurred in front of me, I’d bag it…and in so ...

Karla News

Bird Seed Preferences of Wild Birds

You can help feed wild birds by setting up a few bird seed feeders with their favorite bird seeds. To be successful at feeding wild birds it is best to know what bird seed each type of wild bird prefers. Use this list of bird seed varieties and names of common bird species to learn ...

Karla News

Homemade Bird Food – It’s Completely for the Birds!

Do you enjoy feeding outdoor birds, and do you enjoy watching the birds feast on the food you provide? You don’t have to go to your local feed store for ready-made bird food for your feathered outdoor friends. You can attract more birds to your property with nutritious and highly palatable homemade bird food filled ...