Articles for tag: Character Actor, Character Actors, Western Movie

Karla News

A Look at Western Movie Character Actors

There were many great actors who became famous after appearing in western movie roles. Actors like John Wayne in “Stagecoach” and Clint Eastwood in “The Good Bad and the Ugly” would eventually became superstars. Other well know actors like Jimmy Stewart, Henry Fonda and Paul Newman also used the western movie genre to help further ...

Karla News

Best Western Movies: The Top 5 Wild West Films of the 2000s

With the turn of the 21st century, Western films inevitably took a backseat in Hollywood. However, with the release of the critically acclaimed hit movie True Grit in 2010, this genre may be back on the rise. In honor of this classic genre of film, this article takes a look back at some of the ...

Karla News

The Top Thai Restaurants in St. Louis, Missouri

A few years ago, I had the good fortune to study incense and martial arts under the tutelage of a Shingon Buddhist monk. During our sittings, he explained some of the customs that were practiced in Southeast Asia. It seems that in Laos, Vietnam, and particularly Thailand, they take their Buddhism very seriously. He explained ...

Karla News

MacKenna’s Gold: Gregory Peck’s Last Great Western Movie

“MacKenna’s Gold” is an overlooked western. The great Gregory Peck plays a marshall who’s given a map to a lost canyon filled with Apache gold. But to reach it he’ll have to travel with a gang of desperados, and face a greedy mob. The gold might turn out to be only a legend — but ...

Karla News

A Western Movie Fan’s Guide to Monument Valley

In American cinema there is nothing more iconic then the classic western. And if you’re a fan of the silver screen shoot-em-ups then you, no doubt, are familiar with one of the most legendary film locations in the world: Monument Valley. Maybe you didn’t know the name or where it was but you knew instantly ...

Karla News

Top Western Movies of All Time

There have been hundreds of great western movies created over the last 80 years. Western movies peaked in popularity during the 1950’s and 1960’s. Over the last 10 years, fewer westerns have been made and it is rare to find them playing in the cinema. Most of the greatest actors and many notable actresses have ...