Articles for tag: Pfd, Water Birth

Karla News

Life Jackets for Infants and Toddlers

My husband and I might be a little crazy, but our son Chase took his first swim in a pool when he was just 11 weeks old. He was actually almost born in water, but at 2 weeks late, he was disqualified from our hospital’s water birth tub. We had read all about babies having ...

Karla News

First Person: How I Cured My Pregnancy Insomnia

When I was pregnant with my first son, I couldn’t get a good night’s sleep. A part of me thought it was good practice for the long nights nursing and rocking my newborn. However, my pregnancy sleep problems were taking a toll. I was afraid I might fall asleep while driving or stumble while climbing ...

Karla News

The Pros and Cons of Waterbirth

What is Waterbirth Waterbirth is a method of birthing that has the mother give birth in a warm water tub. Often small water jets, like those in a hot tub, are used to relax and ease the mother. The mother is not lying down and propped in the usual way that we might think of ...